
Micro View Forms

  • CH06SR
  • 1240



  • Room 31, east wing

Linked Contexts

  • Context: CH06SR_795
    • Construction from compact yellowish clay with inclusions of charcoal, small pieces of ceramic, ash. Clay layer is bordered with pieces of broken tile, stones & ridge tile. Partly covered with clay. Construction is partly covered by wall 229 trench. Construction filled by white soft ash with charcoals (10-15cm) and without bones. Dimensions: 70*90cm.
  • Context: CH06SR_811
    • Compact floor-2 in E Wing of Rm. 31. Covers almost all the wing's surface. Soil with inclusions of pebbles, charcoals, ceramic sherds (Some of them with the traces of burning).
  • Context: CH06SR_812
    • Ashy light gray soil (ash) with inclusions of small stones, charcoal, filling the stove 795. In upper level in the center layer is darker (mixed with black ash). Layer covers all the surface of the stove 795, and is approx. 5-6cm deep. No bones were found in this layer.


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    Date Photographed