
Micro View Forms

  • CH06SR
  • 1335



  • Top of fill of two pits in courtyard (without scale)

Linked Contexts

  • Context: CH06SR_845
    • At definition [the dimensions are] approximately 45 cm (NE-SW) X 30 cm (NW-SE) and 15-20 cm in depth. It extends in the profile of section 2. This context cuts into the pit 0855 and I believe it post-dates 0855. The soil is a loose dark brown loam with little or no clay inclusions.
  • Context: CH06SR_850
    • At definition the context is 75 cm (NW-SE) X 1.05 M (NE-SW) and extends into the profile of section 2. The soil is compact and brown containing some ceramics, very few bones, shell and many small pieces of stone/eroded bedrock (from 5-10 cm in diameter). The context is also covered by a large stone that is in [extends into] the profile of section 2. Pit has very steep edges, is the depest pit in areas 1 and 2 and has a slightly conical form. In the bottom of the pit is a small circular cut that extends another 5-10 cm in depth (see profile sketch).
  • Context: CH06SR_855
    • The soil is compact and grayish brown with yellow inclusions of clay and eroded bedrock. Dimensions at definition are approximately 73 cm (NW-SE) X 66 cm (NE-SW) and 35 cm in depth. The sides are steep, except for the east edge where I think that 0845 and its cut extended and broadened in effect cutting/removing 0856/0855.


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    Date Photographed