- CH06SR0845
- Brown soil-fill of cut 0846, Courtyard near section 2
- At definition [the dimensions are] approximately 45 cm (NE-SW) X 30 cm (NW-SE) and 15-20 cm in depth. It extends in the profile of section 2. This context cuts into the pit 0855 and I believe it post-dates 0855. The soil is a loose dark brown loam with little or no clay inclusions.
- This was first identified as one pit, but there was a distinct difference between this and the context 0855 even though they appear to be in the same layer of cut bedrock. After fully excavating it looks as if there may be two cuts in bedrock. The rounder being 0855, the shallow square associated with 0845.
- 4th-6th century Early Byzantine ceramics
- A small pit of unknown function that is intrusive into context 0855
- SM
Formation Processes
Faunal Assemblage
- There are no results for this record
Fish Species Assemblage
- There are no results for this record
Birds Species Assemblage
- There are no results for this record
Ceramic Assemblage
Total = 23
Total | |
Amphora | 14 |
Cookware | 3 |
Fineware | 6 |
Total = 23
Total | |
Sinope | 2 |
Unidentified Hellenistic/Roman amphora | 1 |
Class 1 ("waisted") | 2 |
Class 2 ("carrot") | 1 |
Class 3 (Zeest-100) | 1 |
ADSV, type V | 1 |
Class 12 (LRC 1-Riley) | 3 |
Unidentified amphora | 3 |
Handmade cookware | 2 |
Wheelmade cookware | 1 |
Unidentified plain fineware | 3 |
Red-slip | 3 |
Total = 23
Total | |
Hellenistic (Ceramic date) | 2 |
Hellenistic/Roman | 1 |
5th-7th c. AD | 8 |
Roman (Ceramic date) | 3 |
Linked Special Finds
- No attached items.
Linked Samples
- No attached items.
Botanical Assemblage
Skeletal Remains
- No attached items.
Microwear Analysis
- No attached items.
Record Status Flags
- SM
Date Excavated
11-7-2006 -
Verified by
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Entered By
- SM
Site Photos
Site Photo: CH06SR_1335
Site Photo: CH06SR_1336
Site Photo: CH06SR_1337
Site Photo: CH06SR_1338
Linked GeoPhotos
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Linked Drawings
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Linked TopoSurfaces
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PhotoModeler Projects
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