
Micro View Forms

  • CH06SR
  • 1378



  • Room 38, NW part

Linked Contexts

  • Context: CH06SR_840
    • Layer of compact brown soil with prominent inclusions of charcoal and lime throughout, similar to Context 827 but more compact. This layer was rather thick and produced a lot of debris in the form of larger pieces of pottery and special finds.
  • Context: CH06SR_847
    • Small area of compact brown soil that appeared to be a usage surface on the far W side of cut 900. This layer was confined to the W side of pit 601 and was contiguous with context 838. It produced only small amounts of pottery, bone and tile.
  • Context: CH06SR_863
    • Layer of loose brown soil filling cut 864 in the bedrock under wall 257, east side of cut 900. This soil was very loose and filled with larger ceramic fragments.
  • Context: CH06SR_864
    • Cut in bedrock beneath wall 257 along east side of cut 900. The cut is about 30 cm deep and was filled with loose brown soil.
  • Context: CH06SR_868
    • Last layer of compact brown soil in cut 601. This layer appeared after taking off the remains of the last layer excavated last season, CH05 0668, and the cut of pit 601 could still be seen. This layer only encompases the material within the original lines of cut 601.


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    Date Photographed