
Micro View Forms

  • CH06SR
  • 1476



  • Courtyard, tile colapse in hearth

Linked Contexts

  • Context: CH06SR_882
    • Dimensions at definition were approximately 50 cm (NW-SE) X 55 cm (NE-SW), but as we excavated to the NW we uncovered several large pieces of tile somewhat articulated. This tile collapse (context 0915) extended over 0882. Therefore after we removed the tile, the dimensions extended to approximately 1.1 M (NW-SE). The soil was light gray and ashy with an orange-ish yellow (2.5YR olive yellow) ashy layer of the same consistency and composition under it.The entire context was no more than 8-10 cm in dept, becoming more thin as it oved away from the wall course 0922.
  • Context: CH06SR_886
    • Loose dark brown soil with an approximate extent of 3.1 M (NW-SE) X 20-30 cm (NE-SW) and no more than 5-10 cm in depth. It becomes less distinct and more shallow as we worked towards section 2. - Unclear if this is a fill in a cut that its 754, or a somewhat different soil in a depression at the edge of the courtyard; photos, hovever, suggest fill of cut.
  • Context: CH06SR_915
    • Group of large, partially articulated tile fragments in courtyard along wall 296; seems to be by foundation trench for wall 296; largest piece of the 15 ca. 25 x 25 cm, smaller pieces are firther from wall 296; deposit occupies irregular rectangular area ca. 1,3 x .85 m, bounded to N by small piece of rocks; covers gray ashy deposit; tile stumps


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