
Micro View Forms

  • CH05SR
  • 43


  • Surface of 678 with cut 680

Linked Contexts

  • Context: CH05SR_678
    • Very dark grayish-brown compact surface with a lot of very small fragments of ceramics, tiles and bones. Also includes lime crumb; very flat and smooth, about 15cm deep, located over most of area of large bedrock cut along the NE wall of room 30, but most visible in the N corner of that cut
  • Context: CH05SR_680
    • An oval cut under the NW wall of Rm 30; ca. 20-25 cm. in long axis, 15-20 on short, 25cm deep, cut into early floor (?) surface of bedrock cut in room 30; contained the disarticulated bones of a 6-7 month-old fetus



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