
Micro View Forms


  • CH04SR0417
  • Very thin layer of ash and debris in possible hearth flue
  • Very thin layer of black ash, small pieces of charcoal and very burnt animal bone, and some small pieces of slag similar to those in the hearth; fills a very slight depression in a straight line leading from what seems to be a gap in the side of the hearth.
  • Ash traces were fairly faint but definitely formed a line; not clear, however, if the line is really a flue or simply a scatter of material from the hearth itself


  • Same As

    None linked.


    • Ash and slag accumulation in flue or bellows-hole of hearth in the course of metal-working activity
      • ATR

Formation Processes

Faunal Assemblage

  • There are no results for this record

Fish Species Assemblage

  • There are no results for this record

Birds Species Assemblage

  • There are no results for this record

Ceramic Assemblage

  • There are no results for this record
  • There are no results for this record
  • There are no results for this record

Linked Special Finds

  • No attached items.

Linked Samples

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Botanical Assemblage

Skeletal Remains

  • No attached items.

Microwear Analysis

  • No attached items.

Recording Sheet



Record Status Flags

  • on/off_switch
  • on/off_switch


  • Excavator
    • ATR
    Date Excavated
  • Verified by
    Verified on
  • Entered By
    • SM

Spatial Data

Site Photos

  • No attached items.


  • There are no files attached to this record yet.

Linked GeoPhotos

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Linked Drawings

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Linked TopoSurfaces

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PhotoModeler Projects

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