- CH04SR0443
- Posthole in bedrock in NE part of room 35
- A posthole in bedrock in NE part of room 35. Posthole has a diameter of approximately 20-25cm, 20cm deep. it is an irregular oval located between the two large circular cuts in this bedrock ledge, occupying the edge of the eastern of the two
- cut for posthole.
- If this is in fact a posthole cut, it may have been meant for shelves or some other wooden structure in association with the use of the two cuts for pithos bases; from its position, it may not have functioned while the eastern cut was being used, but it is difficult to say what its chronological relationship with the other cuts may have been
Formation Processes
Faunal Assemblage
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Fish Species Assemblage
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Birds Species Assemblage
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Ceramic Assemblage
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- There are no results for this record
- There are no results for this record
Linked Special Finds
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Linked Samples
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Botanical Assemblage
Skeletal Remains
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Microwear Analysis
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Record Status Flags
Date Excavated
19-7-2004 -
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Entered By
- CS
Site Photos
Site Photo: CH04SR_232
Site Photo: CH04SR_233
- There are no files attached to this record yet.
Linked GeoPhotos
Geophoto: CH04SR_89
- Bedrock in NE part of room 35
Linked Drawings
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Linked TopoSurfaces
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PhotoModeler Projects
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