- CH04SR0444
- Layer beneath ceramic collapse in room 35
- Unburned layer beneath the ceramic collapse in SW part of room 35. Soft yellowish-brown soil with inclusions of charcoal, pieces of ceramic,etc.
- It seems that ceramic was already broken when the fire began.
- This layer presumably represents the material that stood on the floor of the room when the fire began; ceramic evidence includes no fineware but a large number of sherds from pithoi and from amphorae of the 12th-14th c. (Gunsenin III and IV, local class 52)
Formation Processes
Faunal Assemblage
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Fish Species Assemblage
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Birds Species Assemblage
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Ceramic Assemblage
Total = 60
Total | |
Amphora | 60 |
Total = 60
Total | |
Class 45 (Gunsenin-IV) | 40 |
Class 48 (Gunsenin-III) | 10 |
Class 52 | 10 |
Total = 60
Total | |
12th-13th c. AD | 60 |
Linked Special Finds
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Linked Samples
Sample: CH04SR_23
- sample from floor surface room 35
Botanical Assemblage
Botany Type | Total |
Rumex acetosella | 7 |
Lens culinaris | 5 |
Triticum spelta | 2 |
Triticum monococcum | 5 |
Triticum dicoccon | 18 |
Triticum aestivum s.l. | 143 |
Secale cereale | 31 |
Panicum miliaceum | 2 |
Hordeum vulgare var.coeleste | 6 |
Hordeum vulgare | 10 |
Cereal Grain Fragments | 56 |
Avena sativa | 2 |
Skeletal Remains
- No attached items.
Microwear Analysis
- No attached items.
Record Status Flags
Date Excavated
19-7-2004 -
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Entered By
Site Photos
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Linked GeoPhotos
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Linked Drawings
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Linked TopoSurfaces
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PhotoModeler Projects
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