Context | Context Type | Definition | Excavator | Verified by | Options |
CH02PA_212 | Wall | Wall between room 29 and room 35 |
CH04SR_374 | Positive | loose collapse in room 35 |
ATR | |
CH04SR_397 | Wall | Northwest wall of room 35 |
ATR | |
CH04SR_406 | Positive | Stone collapse in room 35 |
ATR | |
CH04SR_407 | Positive | Hard compact soil in NE of room 35 |
ATR | |
CH04SR_412 | Positive | Layer above the floor in room 35 |
ATR | |
CH04SR_425 | Positive | Layer of burning 35 |
CH04SR_433 | Positive | Layer of ashy soil in NE part of room 35 |
CH04SR_436 | Positive | Fill of a cavity in the bedrock in E corner of room 35 |
CH04SR_440 | Positive | Fill in a pit/posthole in NE part of room 35 |
CH04SR_443 | Negative | Posthole in bedrock in NE part of room 35 |
CH04SR_444 | Positive | Layer beneath ceramic collapse in room 35 |
CH04SR_445 | Negative | Cut in bedrock in SW part of room 35 |
CH04SR_446 | Negative | Two cuts/pits in NE part of room 35 |
CH04SR_465 | Positive | Fill of pit in NE corner of room 35 |
CH05SR_741 | Wall | Threshold of door into room 35 |