- CH04SR0446
- Two cuts/pits in NE part of room 35
- This context is composed of two roughly circular cuts with a shallow slope, each about 15-20cm deep at their greatest depth, set side-by-side on a ledge of bedrock left at the NE end of room 35. Little care seems to have been taken in their creation, since their edges were left rough; the one at the N corner of the room also has a deep, smaller cut running down at a slight angle at its NE side. The larger of the two (in the N corner) is perhaps 50cm in diameter, the smaller ca. 40cm in diameter. Both were filled with the same compact gray-brown fill
- Cuts meant to support the rounded bases of large pithoi stored on this bedrock ledge
Formation Processes
Faunal Assemblage
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Fish Species Assemblage
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Birds Species Assemblage
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Ceramic Assemblage
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Linked Special Finds
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Linked Samples
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Botanical Assemblage
Skeletal Remains
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Microwear Analysis
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Recording Sheet
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Record Status Flags
Date Excavated
19-7-2004 -
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Site Photos
Site Photo: CH04SR_232
Site Photo: CH04SR_233
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Linked GeoPhotos
Geophoto: CH04SR_89
- Bedrock in NE part of room 35
Linked Drawings
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Linked TopoSurfaces
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PhotoModeler Projects
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