
Micro View Forms


  • CH06SR0759
  • Yellow-Orangish brown layer across N courtyard, Area 2 and into Area 3
  • Brown loam layer with yellow and orange clay inclusions that extends all the way across the unit except for [the area of] the wall trench (possible) in the NW side (adjacent to wall 265). In addition to the abovementioned clay inclusions there were eroded limestone fragments (white and likely bedrock), several fragments and lumps of plaster (3 bags), and an approximately 6cm [in diameter] lump of greenish clay. Also contains many flecks of charcoal especially between section 1 and 2. Depth varies from 10-15 cm and composition is similar to context 0772.
  • Also eroded limestone fragments (white). Note: 8-10 millstone fragments from this context and SR758 were all concentrated in the same 75 X 75 cm area (see sketch). Two nails recovered. This layer also extends from section 1 to section 2 over the majority of the surface and about 1/3 of the way into Area 3.


    • Probably a layer a fill
      • SM

Formation Processes

Faunal Assemblage

Total = 1039
Corsac Fox 1
Unidentifiable 145
Wild Boar 1
Domestic Pig 50
Sturgeon-type 5
Fish 101
Scallop 4
Bird 40
Domestic Cattle 183
Dog 10
Domestic Goat 24
Cockle family 2
Cyprinoid 1
Red Deer 1
Crab 5
Human 9
Brown Hare 1
Limpet 1
type of mollusc 2
Mussels 32
Oyster 126
Domestic Sheep 37
Domestic Sheep/Goat 258
Faunal Species Part Sex Faunal Count
Domestic Sheep/Goat Vertebrae 47
Domestic Sheep/Goat Upper Teeth 8
Domestic Sheep/Goat Ulna 3
Domestic Sheep/Goat Tibia Shaft 7
Domestic Sheep/Goat Tibia Proximal 2
Domestic Sheep/Goat Third Phalange 4
Domestic Sheep/Goat Skull Facial Parts 9
Domestic Sheep/Goat Skull Brain Parts 43
Domestic Sheep/Goat Scapula 12
Domestic Sheep/Goat Ribs 51
Domestic Sheep/Goat Radius Shaft 5
Domestic Sheep/Goat Pelvis 9
Domestic Sheep/Goat Patella 1
Domestic Sheep/Goat Mtt Shaft 1
Domestic Sheep/Goat Mtt Proximal 4
Domestic Sheep/Goat Mtc Shaft 3
Domestic Sheep/Goat Mtc Proximal 4
Domestic Sheep/Goat Mtc Distal 2
Domestic Sheep/Goat Mpp 5
Domestic Sheep/Goat Mandible 1
Domestic Sheep/Goat Lower Teeth 4
Domestic Sheep/Goat Lower Jaw 6
Domestic Sheep/Goat Humerus Shaft 9
Domestic Sheep/Goat Humerus Distal 2
Domestic Sheep/Goat First Phalange 4
Domestic Sheep/Goat Femur Shaft 5
Domestic Sheep/Goat Femur Proximal 1
Domestic Sheep/Goat Femur Distal 1
Domestic Sheep/Goat Central 4
Domestic Sheep/Goat Carpal/Tarsal 1
Domestic Sheep Vertebrae 8
Domestic Sheep Skull Brain Parts Female 3
Domestic Sheep Second Phalange 5
Domestic Sheep Mtt Proximal 3
Domestic Sheep Mtt Distal 1
Domestic Sheep MtcWhole 3
Domestic Sheep Mtc Proximal 3
Domestic Sheep Humerus Shaft 1
Domestic Sheep Horn core 1
Domestic Sheep First Phalange 5
Domestic Sheep Calcaneous 1
Domestic Sheep Astragalus 3
Oyster 126
Mussels 32
type of mollusc 2
Limpet 1
Brown Hare Calcaneous 1
Human 9
Crab 5
Red Deer Mpp 1
Cyprinoid 1
Cockle family 2
Domestic Goat Tibia Distal 2
Domestic Goat Skull Brain Parts 2
Domestic Goat Second Phalange 5
Domestic Goat Mtt Proximal 1
Domestic Goat Humerus Distal 1
Domestic Goat Horn core Male 5
Domestic Goat Horn core Female 5
Domestic Goat First Phalange 2
Domestic Goat Calcaneous 1
Dog Ribs 7
Dog Radius Shaft 1
Dog Mpp 2
Domestic Cattle Vertebrae 33
Domestic Cattle Upper Teeth 5
Domestic Cattle Ulna 2
Domestic Cattle Tibia Shaft 3
Domestic Cattle Tibia Proximal 1
Domestic Cattle Tibia Distal 1
Domestic Cattle Third Phalange 1
Domestic Cattle Skull Facial Parts 10
Domestic Cattle Skull Brain Parts 20
Domestic Cattle Second Phalange 1
Domestic Cattle Scapula 4
Domestic Cattle Ribs 54
Domestic Cattle Pelvis 3
Domestic Cattle Patella 2
Domestic Cattle Mtt Shaft 1
Domestic Cattle Mtt Proximal 2
Domestic Cattle Mtc Shaft 3
Domestic Cattle Mtc Proximal 1
Domestic Cattle Mpp 2
Domestic Cattle Mandible 2
Domestic Cattle Lower Teeth 5
Domestic Cattle Lower Jaw 8
Domestic Cattle Humerus Shaft 3
Domestic Cattle Humerus Proximal 1
Domestic Cattle Humerus Distal 1
Domestic Cattle Horn core Male 1
Domestic Cattle First Phalange 5
Domestic Cattle Femur Proximal 1
Domestic Cattle Carpal/Tarsal 4
Domestic Cattle Calcaneous 1
Domestic Cattle Astragalus 2
Bird 40
Scallop 4
Fish 101
Sturgeon-type 5
Domestic Pig Astragalus 1
Domestic Pig Fibula 1
Domestic Pig First Phalange 2
Domestic Pig Humerus Distal 3
Domestic Pig Humerus Shaft 2
Domestic Pig Lower Jaw 2
Domestic Pig Lower Teeth 3
Domestic Pig Mpp 1
Domestic Pig MtcWhole 1
Domestic Pig Mtt Proximal 1
Domestic Pig Mtc Whole 1
Domestic Pig Pelvis 3
Domestic Pig Ribs 5
Domestic Pig Scapula 2
Domestic Pig Skull Brain Parts 3
Domestic Pig Skull Facial Parts 3
Domestic Pig Tibia Distal 3
Domestic Pig Tibia Proximal 1
Domestic Pig Tibia Shaft 2
Domestic Pig Ulna 4
Domestic Pig Upper Teeth 3
Domestic Pig Vertebrae 3
Wild Boar Calcaneous 1
Unidentifiable 145
Corsac Fox Tibia Shaft 1

Fish Species Assemblage

  • There are no results for this record

Birds Species Assemblage

Total = 45
Anas platyrhynchos 2
Aquila chrysaetos 1
Clangula hyemalis 1
Corvus cornix 1
Gallus gallus f. Domestica 23
Phalacrocorax carbo 1

Ceramic Assemblage

Total = 1415
Pithos 17
Mortar (class) 4
Special 4
Lid 3
Lamp (type) 2
Amphora 799
Cookware 154
Fineware 431
Terracotta 1
Total = 1415
Pithos (type) 17
Mortarium 4
Special vessel 4
Lid (type) 3
Lamp 2
Red clay (Zeest - 72, 73, 75) 37
Light clay 19
Light clay (Zeest 104-105; types Е-F-Shelov) 42
Chersonesos 9
Heraclea 1
Sinope 14
Rhodes 1
Colchis 2
Class 1 ("waisted") 22
Class 2 ("carrot") 56
Class 3 (Zeest-100) 103
Class 4 (LRA 3-Riley) 7
ADSV, type V 71
Class 12 (LRC 1-Riley) 67
Class 18 (LRA 2-Riley) 18
Class 22 (Zeest-95; LRA 4-Riley) 58
Class 24 98
Class 36 2
Class 41 87
Class 42 (Gunsenin-I) 16
Class 43 (Gunsenin-II) 4
Class 45 (Gunsenin-IV) 5
Class 48 (Gunsenin-III) 3
Class 52 57
Handmade cookware 57
Wheelmade cookware 97
Unidentified plain fineware 230
Hellenistic or Roman plain fineware jar 13
Middle Byzantine plain fineware jar 15
Glazed White Ware II, Hayes 1992 10
Unidentified Middle Byzantine glazed fineware 3
Glazed White Ware IV (group 9, Yakobson) 4
Zeuxippos ware (groups 1-2, Yakobson) 2
Red-slip 114
LRC, form 2, Hayes 1972 6
LRC, form 3, Hayes 1972 3
ARSW, form 62 B 5
Black gloss 26
Terracotta figurine 1
Total = 1415
2nd-4th c. AD 37
1st c. BC-2nd c. AD 19
5th-7th c. AD 402
Hellenistic/Roman 13
9th-11th c. AD 235
12th-13th c. AD 71
Roman (Ceramic date) 156
4th-5th c. AD 6
5th-6th c. AD 3
4th-6th c. AD 5
Hellenistic (Ceramic date) 54

Linked Special Finds

Linked Samples

  • Sample: CH06SR_680
    • Metallurgical sample from courtyard, 3rd section
  • Sample: CH06SR_681
    • Metallurgical sample from courtyard, 3rd section
  • Sample: CH06SR_685
    • Metallurgical sample from courtyard, 3rd section
  • Sample: CH06SR_686
    • Metallurgical sample from courtyard, 3rd section
  • Sample: CH06SR_687
    • Metallurgical sample from courtyard, 3rd section
  • Sample: CH06SR_688
    • Metallurgical sample from courtyard, 3rd section
  • Sample: CH06SR_693
    • Metallurgical sample from courtyard, 3rd section
  • Sample: CH06SR_694
    • Metallurgical sample from courtyard, 3rd section
  • Sample: CH06SR_695
    • Metallurgical sample from courtyard, 3rd section
  • Sample: CH06SR_697
    • Metallurgical sample from courtyard, 3rd section
  • Sample: CH06SR_698
    • Metallurgical sample from courtyard, 3rd section

Botanical Assemblage

Skeletal Remains

  • No attached items.

Microwear Analysis

Recording Sheet



Record Status Flags

  • on/off_switch
  • on/off_switch


  • Excavator
    • SM
    Date Excavated
  • Verified by
    Verified on
  • Entered By
    • SM

Spatial Data

Site Photos

  • Site Photo: CH06SR_1075
    • file_image
    • Top of context 759 across N courtyard
  • Site Photo: CH06SR_1076
    • file_image
    • Top of context 759 across N courtyard
  • Site Photo: CH06SR_1077
    • file_image
    • Top of context 759 across N courtyard
  • Site Photo: CH06SR_1078
    • file_image
    • Top of context 759 across N courtyard
  • Site Photo: CH06SR_1279
    • file_image
    • Courtyard, entire extent
  • Site Photo: CH06SR_1280
    • file_image
    • Courtyard, entire extent
  • Site Photo: CH06SR_1281
    • file_image
    • Courtyard, top of context
  • Site Photo: CH06SR_1282
    • file_image
    • Courtyard, entire extent
  • Site Photo: CH06SR_1283
    • file_image
    • Cut of pits in S courtyard
  • Site Photo: CH06SR_1284
    • file_image
    • Layer above bedrock in wall trench, courtyard
  • Site Photo: CH06SR_1437
    • file_image
    • Top extent of c.n. 0896, courtyard
  • Site Photo: CH06SR_1438
    • file_image
    • Top extent of c.n. 0896, courtyard


Linked GeoPhotos

  • No attached items.

Linked Drawings

Linked TopoSurfaces

  • No attached items.

PhotoModeler Projects