Context | Context Type | Definition | Excavator | Verified by | Options |
CH04SR_435 | Positive | Hard packed dark brown floor of room 36 |
CH04SR_458 | Positive | Layer of brown gray soil, compact under context 448 in room 36 |
CH05SR_645 | Positive | Fill of compact brown soil with inclusion and burnt material in pit 601 in room 38 |
CH05SR_647 | Positive | Brown soil mottled with ash in N corner of room 33 filling cut 653 |
CH05SR_674 | Positive | Fill of loose brown soil, possible post hole in room 33 |
CH06SR_802 | Positive | Stenopos, brown compact soil with inclusions of ceramic, shells, and bone fragments (4th surface) |
ATR | |
CH06SR_845 | Positive | Brown soil-fill of cut 0846, Courtyard near section 2 |