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CH01PA_112 Positive Strato di Riempimento del Silos USCHPA111
  • Not Recorded
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CH04SR_298 Wall dry stone wall w/large blocks, damaged, between rms 33 and plateia
  • ATR
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CH04SR_317 Wall dry stone wall between rooms 28 and 33
  • ATR
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CH04SR_33 Wall NE-SW wall forming west corner of room 28
  • ATR
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CH04SR_35 Wall Wall between room 28 and plateia
  • ATR
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CH04SR_49 Wall Wall along the SE side of corridor between room 30 and room 29
  • ATR
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CH05SR_31 Wall Faced dry-stone wall between room 29 and courtyard
  • ATR
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CH05SR_317 Wall Dry stone wall between rooms 28 and 33
  • ATR
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CH05SR_33 Wall NE-SW wall forming west corner of room 28
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CH06SR_296 Wall Stone wall between complex 1 and courtyard
  • SM
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CH06SR_34 Wall Apsidal wall of the church
  • GK
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CH06SR_946 Wall Wall extending along line of wall 264 in room 31 probe
  • DVD
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Total Pages:  1 Total Results:  12
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