Context | Context Type | Definition | Excavator | Verified by | Options |
CH02PA_296 | Wall |
CH02PA_297 | Wall |
CH04SR_1 | Positive | Topsoil over entire area of the site |
ATR | |
CH04SR_409 | Negative | CONTEXT NOT ISSUED |
CH04SR_999 | Positive | Natural bedrock over entire area of site |
CH05SR_0 | Positive | Unstratified material (out of context) |
ATR | |
CH05SR_735 | Wall | wall of next block to NE across stenopos. |
CH05SR_999 | Positive | Natural bedrock over entire area of site |
CH06SR_1 | Positive | Unstratified material (out of context) |
CH06SR_201 | Wall | Wall between rooms 34 and 38 |
CH06SR_217 | Wall | Dry stone wall with dormiente between rooms 30 and 31 |
CH06SR_229 | Wall | Blocking wall closing room 31 off from room 25 |
CH06SR_257 | Wall | Dry stone masonry wall between room 38 and stenopos |
CH06SR_264 | Wall | Dry stone wall between rooms 31 and 38 |
CH06SR_265 | Wall | SW wall of room 30 |
CH06SR_296 | Wall | Stone wall between complex 1 and courtyard |
ATR | |
CH06SR_50 | Wall | SW wall of courtyard 25 |
CH06SR_725 | Negative | A cut/trench in bedrock in wing of rm31 |
CH06SR_944 | Wall | Early wall under N section of wall 296 |
CH06SR_945 | Negative | Posthole (?) cut in bedrock of courtyard next to NE section wall |
CH06SR_998 | Positive | Clay layer below bedrock on the entire site |
CH06SR_999 | Positive | Natural bedrock over entire area of site |
CH01KY_1 | Wall | Muro perimetr. E del Vano 2 con andamento NW\SE, tangente USCHSE35-39 |
CH01KY_10 | Wall | Muro Absidato parte S |