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CH01PA_124 Positive Rampa di Scale con andamento N\W-S\E
  • Not Recorded
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CH01PA_125 Positive Crollo ad E del Muro USCHPA32
  • Not Recorded
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CH01PA_126 Positive Crollo ad E del Muro USCHPA31
  • Not Recorded
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CH01PA_130 Positive Crollo di Tegole
  • Not Recorded
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CH01PA_155 Wall Muro con andamento N\W - S\E
  • Not Recorded
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CH01PA_31 Wall Muro con andamento N\W - S\E
  • Not Recorded
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CH01PA_32 Wall Muro a sacco con andamento N\W - S\E
  • Not Recorded
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CH01PA_33 Wall Muro con andamento N\W - S\E Chiesa
  • Not Recorded
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CH01PA_35 Wall Muro con andamento E\W
  • Not Recorded
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CH01PA_42 Positive Crollo Interno Vano
  • Not Recorded
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CH01PA_72 Positive Crollo dietro abside chiesa
  • Not Recorded
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CH01PA_82 Positive Strato di terreno di colore grigio
  • Not Recorded
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CH01PA_83 Positive Muro al di sotto dell'abside
  • Not Recorded
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CH04SR_109 Wall doorsill of door between yard 1 and room 32
  • SW
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CH04SR_155 Wall projecting corner of wall between rooms 32 and 28
  • SW
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CH04SR_212 Wall dry stone wall between rooms 29 and 35
  • SW
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CH04SR_213 Wall dry stone wall with well made jamb between rooms 29 and 32
  • SW
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CH04SR_214 Wall number assigned to part of wall 213 in w side of door to room 32
  • SW
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CH04SR_279 Wall wall closing off rm 28 from rm 32 - later blocking
  • ATR
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CH04SR_280 Wall Drystone wall with mud mortar running between rms 32/28 and rms 33/36
  • ATR
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CH04SR_281 Wall dry stone wall , destroyed in centre, between rm 33 and 36
  • ATR
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CH04SR_298 Wall dry stone wall w/large blocks, damaged, between rms 33 and plateia
  • ATR
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CH04SR_31 Wall Faced dry-stone wall between room 29 and courtyard 1
  • ATR
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CH04SR_317 Wall dry stone wall between rooms 28 and 33
  • ATR
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CH04SR_32 Wall Faced dry-stone wall between room 32 and courtyard 1
  • ATR
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Total Pages:  8 Total Results:  187
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