Context | Context Type | Definition | Excavator | Verified by | Options |
CH04SR_350 | Negative | pit/disturbance in northeast corner of room 28, fill is SR347 |
ATR | |
CH04SR_368 | Negative | Pit disturbance in NE doorway of room 28 |
ATR | |
CH04SR_407 | Positive | Hard compact soil in NE of room 35 |
ATR | |
CH04SR_470 | Positive | The solid layer under SR 464 |
CH04SR_473 | Positive | Fill of pit near the middle of SW wall of room 29 |
CH04SR_481 | Negative | Cut in bedrock filled by SR473 in room 29 |
CH04SR_490 | Positive | Fill of posthole on the NW side of room 29 |
CH04SR_491 | Positive | Fill of second posthole on the NW side of room 29 |
CH04SR_493 | Negative | Second cut/posthole on the NW side of room 29 |
CH05SR_686 | Positive | Fill of pit in NE part of room 37. |
ATR | |
CH06SR_793 | Positive | Fill of pit in bedrock under wall 217 in room 31 |