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Geophoto Description Photographed By Date Photographed Options
CH04SR_26 first layer of bones in tomb 2 ATR 3-7-2004 view
CH04SR_27 context extent NE end SW 5-7-2004 view
CH04SR_28 context extent (Middle) SW 5-7-2004 view
CH04SR_29 context extent (SW end) SW 5-7-2004 view
CH04SR_30 second layer of disarticulated bones ATR 5-7-2004 view
CH04SR_31 tile collapse under section, N side ATR 5-7-2004 view
CH04SR_32 tile collapse under section, W side ATR 5-7-2004 view
CH04SR_33 third layer of bones - see sketch for numbers ATR 6-7-2004 view
CH04SR_34 west corner pithos stand DVD 6-7-2004 view
CH04SR_35 compacted earth full extent NE SW 7-7-2004 view
CH04SR_36 context extent (E corner) SE MM 7-7-2004 view
CH04SR_37 Third layer of skeletons SE ATR 7-7-2004 view
CH04SR_38 room 33, context extent (N corner) NE MM 7-7-2004 view
CH04SR_39 context extent room 33 (SW) GRM 7-7-2004 view
CH04SR_40 context extent room 33 (NW) GRM 7-7-2004 view
CH04SR_41 fourth layer of skeletons in tomb 2 ATR 7-7-2004 view
CH04SR_42 tile collapse in room 31 SM 8-7-2004 view
CH04SR_43 tile collapse in room 31 SM 8-7-2004 view
CH04SR_44 fifth layer of skeletons in tomb 2 ATR 8-7-2004 view
CH04SR_45 layer of yellowish soil with tiles in room 33 MM 8-7-2004 view
CH04SR_46 fill of the pit in room 33 MM 8-7-2004 view
CH04SR_47 layer of collapse in room 33 MM 8-7-2004 view
CH04SR_49 context extent (and SR 407 DVD 10-7-2004 view
CH04SR_50 context extent (and SR 407 DVD 10-7-2004 view
CH04SR_51 floor of room 28 E corner ATR 10-7-2004 view
Total Pages:  16 Total Results:  382
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