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CH04SR_53 skeleton of fetus or neonate in the S corner of room 28 (beneath floor?) ATR 30-6-2004 view
CH04SR_54 detail of skeleton of fetus or neonate in the S corner of room 28 ATR 30-6-2004 view
CH04SR_55 skeleton of fetus or neonate in S corner of room 28 ATR 30-6-2004 view
CH04SR_56 room 29 - lower level of pithos in situ ATR 1-7-2004 view
CH04SR_57 room 29 - pithos stand and jug in situ ATR 1-7-2004 view
CH04SR_58 room 29 - detail of jug in situ ATR 1-7-2004 view
CH04SR_59 tomb 2 before excavation ATR 1-7-2004 view
CH04SR_60 tile collapse in room 31 - with chalkboard and north arrow SM 1-7-2004 view
CH04SR_61 tile collapse in room 31 - without chalkboard and north arrow SM 1-7-2004 view
CH04SR_62 special find 2174 - column fragment SM 1-7-2004 view
CH04SR_63 working shot - hammer scale on magnet (Dana) ATR 1-7-2004 view
CH04SR_64 cut for infant burial in room 28 SW 1-7-2004 view
CH04SR_65 burial of child and infant in church SW 2-7-2004 view
CH04SR_66 detail of sf2185 in sr352 - room 28 ATR 2-7-2004 view
CH04SR_67 detail of burnt beams ATR 2-7-2004 view
CH04SR_68 detail of pot sf2192 in situ - room 28 ATR 2-7-2004 view
CH04SR_69 detail of wood with nail ATR 2-7-2004 view
CH04SR_70 column in room 31 - sf2174 SW 2-7-2004 view
CH04SR_71 detail of burnt wood and special finds 2204 and 2205, in situ SW 3-7-2004 view
CH04SR_72 detail of burnt wood and small finds 2204 and 2205, in situ SW 3-7-2004 view
CH04SR_73 detail of special find 2204 (vessel) in situ view
CH04SR_74 detail of sf 2205 SW 5-7-2004 view
CH04SR_75 detail of sf 2206 - socket SW 5-7-2004 view
CH04SR_76 first layer of bones in tomb 2 ATR 5-7-2004 view
CH04SR_77 roof and tile collapse in room 30 with board SW 5-7-2004 view
Total Pages:  68 Total Results:  1679
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