
Micro View Forms

  • CH05SR
  • 529



  • Courtyard - general view

Linked Contexts

  • Context: CH05SR_538
    • Orange/yellow mottled clay with brown, extending over the majority of the surface of the courtyard; thin (varying from approx 10-20 cm in depth) compact layer [with a gravely] consistency; this context only partially covered context 550
  • Context: CH05SR_541
    • A 50 cm (N-S) X 25 cm (E-W) and approximately 12 cm in depth. black ashy soil that contains a lot of small pieces <1 cm of charcoal. Filled somewhat irregular cut in 2 surfaces under last courtyard surface (509).
  • Context: CH05SR_544
    • The cut of context 522; approximately 90 NW/SE X 70 cm NE/SW, depth 8-10 cm. Irregular, slightly triangular cut with sloping edges, smooth bottom surface
  • Context: CH05SR_545
    • Cut that extends into the profile of the unexcavated portion of the courtyard. The cut is irregular! Approximately 55 cm N-S and 40 cm E-W and 25 cm in depth. The edges are also irregular, some gently/some steep sloping and the bottom surface is [roughly] uneven.
  • Context: CH05SR_546
    • The cut was not uniform and difficult to discern at times. The bottom/floor cut is into the bedrock, it is two-tiered with yet another cut in the NW corner of the bottom tier. This last cut, approximately 10 cm in diameter and 15-20 cm in depth, looks like a possible posthole. This last cut was filled with black organic soil void of artifacts. Dimension of cut [outline] is approximately 1.2 M (E-W) X 2 M (N-S)
  • Context: CH05SR_547
    • Circular cut approximately 20 cm in diameter at top and 25 cm in depth. Steep sloping edges with a rounded bottom surface.
  • Context: CH05SR_549
    • Roughly circular cut approximately 60 cm in diameter and 6 cm in depth to the north of context 525. Uneven bottom surface with very slightly sloping edges.
  • Context: CH05SR_550
    • A loose brown soil that extends over the majority of the excavated portion of the courtyard. This context goes all the way down to bedrock in the east portion of the courtyard. However, it becomes much more compact in this area. Color and composition stay the same, maybe a little more clayey towards the bottom. Depth of context varies form less than 5 cm to 20 cm.


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    Date Photographed