
Micro View Forms

  • CH05SR
  • 779



  • Room 33

Linked Contexts

  • Context: CH05SR_298
    • see context sheets for CH02 and CH04 for description; further excavation of layers in street revealed that the wall fell outward, into the street
  • Context: CH05SR_317
    • see context sheets for CH02 and CH04 for details
  • Context: CH05SR_519
    • Hard packed floor surface, defined by sherds on horizontal orientation. Soil is a fine silt-loam Hue 10YR 6/1 with ash patch in the NW. Complex fill level comprising of several dumps of discrete material, voids, inclusions: articulated plaster, walling stones, brick, very high amounts of bone, ceramic and tile.
  • Context: CH05SR_567
    • Rough stone construction, possibly an earlier wall in the S. E. corner of room 33. Walling stones in irregular pile leaning against bedrock drop-off in 33, intermixed with bone, ceramics, and plaster fragments.


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    Date Photographed