
Micro View Forms

  • CH06SR
  • 1123



  • Room 38, cut in bedrock in south corner

Linked Contexts

  • Context: CH06SR_780
    • This layer fills cut 729 in the S corner of the room, at the cut's S end. It measures 70cm in length (of the greater cut that is 119cm) and it, at its widest point, 49cm wide, and at its narrowest, 36cm. It is teardrop-shaped as a result of the cut into the bedrock, and later wall built atop of it. The soil is medium brown and rather compact, including a fair amount of debris.
  • Context: CH06SR_781
    • This very small layer filled only a very small (exposed) area of cut 901 in room 38. The soil was loose and soft and contained almost no material. It was distinguished from its neighboring 780 by the looseness of the soil, though the color and texture of the soils were quite similar.
  • Context: CH06SR_901
    • Northern most semicircular cut in the bedrock underneath wall 264.


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    Date Photographed