
Micro View Forms

  • CH06SR
  • 1405



  • Room 38, NW part

Linked Contexts

  • Context: CH06SR_601
    • Cut for a pit within the greater cut 900 in the NW part of the room. The cut is made up of squared edges on the SW side and semicircular edges on the NE. Along the SE edge there is a square shaped entrance (width 0,58 m; length 0.90 m) perpendicular to the edge of the pit. The overall dimensions of the pit are 2.23 m x 1.04 m. This pit was discovered last season and, though it was thought to be completely excavated, there was yet one more layer before it was complete.
  • Context: CH06SR_847
    • Small area of compact brown soil that appeared to be a usage surface on the far W side of cut 900. This layer was confined to the W side of pit 601 and was contiguous with context 838. It produced only small amounts of pottery, bone and tile.
  • Context: CH06SR_879
    • Thick layer of compact brown soil in the better part of cut 900 (save for a small section on its extreme W side). This layer was compact and produced many small finds, several nails, some larger-sized pottery, small pieces of plaster and many seashells.


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    Date Photographed