- CH04SR0425
- Layer of burning 35
- Layer of burning in room 35 with very dark black brown soil of soft consistency with broken tile, pottery, glazed pottery in pieces; a lot of nails and iron objects; pieces of burned wood and organic (acorn?) material; botanical material (other find # 1031 - grain?)
- Flotation samples taken.
- It seems that the fire started when the vessels had already been broken (or smashed).
- The comment above is on the basis of the observation that the marks of burning on at least one of the pithoi were limited to the parts of sherds that were not found covered with other sherds; it is also possible that the pithoi, fragments of which were found at the low side of the room, had originally been set in the bedrock cuttings on the high side and had tumbled into the lower part, breaking in the process; ceramic evidence confirms a date in the 13th c.; the iron fastenings noted below may have been fittings for a small wooden box or chest
Formation Processes
Faunal Assemblage
Total = 5
Total | |
Fish | 1 |
Domestic Cattle | 1 |
Domestic Sheep/Goat | 3 |
Faunal Species | Part | Age | Faunal Count |
Domestic Sheep/Goat | Third Phalange | Adult | 1 |
Domestic Sheep/Goat | Radius Proximal | Adult | 1 |
Domestic Sheep/Goat | Lower Teeth | 1 | |
Domestic Cattle | Lower Teeth | 1 | |
Fish | 1 |
Fish Species Assemblage
- There are no results for this record
Birds Species Assemblage
- There are no results for this record
Ceramic Assemblage
Total = 136
Total | |
Pithos | 2 |
Amphora | 34 |
Cookware | 56 |
Fineware | 44 |
Total = 136
Total | |
Pithos (type) | 2 |
Class 41 | 2 |
Class 45 (Gunsenin-IV) | 2 |
Class 48 (Gunsenin-III) | 8 |
Class 52 | 22 |
Cookware (type) | 56 |
Unidentified plain fineware | 1 |
Unidentified glazed fineware | 19 |
Zeuxippos ware | 21 |
Glazed White Ware II | 1 |
Glazed White Ware IV (group 9, Yakobson) | 2 |
Total = 136
Total | |
9th-13th c. AD | 2 |
13th c. AD | 21 |
9th-11th c. AD | 3 |
12th-13th c. AD | 34 |
Linked Special Finds
Special Find: CH04SR_2389
Special Find: CH04SR_2393
Special Find: CH04SR_2395
Special Find: CH04SR_2400
Special Find: CH04SR_2410
Special Find: CH04SR_2424
Special Find: CH04SR_2467
- Iron blob
Special Find: CH04SR_2483
- Iron object
Special Find: CH04SR_2530
Special Find: CH04SR_2531
Special Find: CH04SR_2542
Special Find: CH04SR_2543
Special Find: CH04SR_2544
Special Find: CH04SR_2545
Special Find: CH04SR_2562
Linked Samples
Botanical Assemblage
Botany Type | Total |
Rumex crispus | 3 |
Rumex acetosella | 7 |
Sambucus edulus | 5 |
Convovulus arvensis | 1 |
Agrostemma githago | 10 |
Pisum sativum | 8 |
Lens culinaris | 10 |
Triticum spelta | 174 |
Triticum monococcum | 119 |
Triticum dicoccon | 251 |
Triticum aestivum s.l. | 1533 |
Secale cereale | 616 |
Panicum miliaceum | 7 |
Hordeum vulgare var.coeleste | 72 |
Hordeum vulgare | 105 |
Avena sativa | 6 |
Galium aparine | 7 |
Euphorbia helioscopia | 8 |
Setaria glauca | 2 |
Cereal Grain Fragments | 244 |
Vicia faba var minor | 1 |
Skeletal Remains
- No attached items.
Microwear Analysis
- No attached items.
Record Status Flags
Date Excavated
14-7-2004 -
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Entered By
Site Photos
Site Photo: CH04SR_152
Site Photo: CH04SR_154
Site Photo: CH04SR_155
Site Photo: CH04SR_156
Site Photo: CH04SR_195
Site Photo: CH04SR_217
Site Photo: CH04SR_218
- There are no files attached to this record yet.
Linked GeoPhotos
Linked Drawings
- No attached items.
Linked TopoSurfaces
- No attached items.
PhotoModeler Projects
- No attached items.