- CH05SR0530
- Dark ashy soil in NE section of courtyard
- Dark gray brown ashy soil; 65 X 60 cm N-S/E-W, depth no more than 5 cm; silty with a small gravel; contained industrial debris/metal slag. Filled an irregular cut in surface under last courtyard surface
- Possibly related to context 525, probably an extension of context 525 and in between the two has already been removed [Adam doubts this interpretation]. Context [530] did not extend very deep approximately 5 cm. Only 3 datable fragments recovered. Context only recognizable after rainy day.
- Small feature associated with metal working activity, probably not associated with context 525 or 563
- SM
Formation Processes
Faunal Assemblage
Total = 10
Total | |
Unidentifiable | 3 |
Fish | 4 |
Scallop | 1 |
Domestic Cattle | 1 |
Domestic Sheep/Goat | 1 |
Faunal Species | Part | Faunal Count |
Domestic Sheep/Goat | Upper Teeth | 1 |
Domestic Cattle | Lower Teeth | 1 |
Scallop | 1 | |
Fish | 4 | |
Unidentifiable | 3 |
Fish Species Assemblage
- There are no results for this record
Birds Species Assemblage
- There are no results for this record
Ceramic Assemblage
Total = 3
Total | |
Amphora | 2 |
Cookware | 1 |
Total = 3
Total | |
Class 48 (Gunsenin-III) | 2 |
Wheelmade cookware | 1 |
Total = 3
Total | |
12th-13th c. AD | 2 |
Linked Special Finds
- No attached items.
Linked Samples
Sample: CH05SR_315
- Metallurgical sample from courtyard
Botanical Assemblage
Skeletal Remains
- No attached items.
Microwear Analysis
- No attached items.
Record Status Flags
- SM
Date Excavated
8-7-2005 -
Verified by
Verified on
Entered By
- SM
Site Photos
Site Photo: CH05SR_475
Linked GeoPhotos
- No attached items.
Linked Drawings
Drawing: CH05SR_26
- layer plan of COURTYARD and RM 32
Linked TopoSurfaces
PhotoModeler Projects
- No attached items.