
Micro View Forms

  • CH06SR
  • 102
  • Plan



  • Layer Plan, East Courtyard


Linked Contexts

  • Context: CH06SR_759
    • Brown loam layer with yellow and orange clay inclusions that extends all the way across the unit except for [the area of] the wall trench (possible) in the NW side (adjacent to wall 265). In addition to the abovementioned clay inclusions there were eroded limestone fragments (white and likely bedrock), several fragments and lumps of plaster (3 bags), and an approximately 6cm [in diameter] lump of greenish clay. Also contains many flecks of charcoal especially between section 1 and 2. Depth varies from 10-15 cm and composition is similar to context 0772.
  • Context: CH06SR_877
    • Very black, fine ashy (almost like soot) layer, that now appears to fill a pit. The extent was difficult to determine at first because there are several other contexts appearing at the same time and there was much mixing (wind did not help). Several hearth bottoms and slag were recovered. Context at definition was approximately 1.4 M (NW-SE) X 1 M (NE-SW) but after removing contexts 0884 and 0876 the extent increased to approximately 2.1 M (NW-SE) X 1.6 M (NE-SW) and was approximately 18-22 cm in depth, though less so as it extended to SE.
  • Context: CH06SR_882
    • Dimensions at definition were approximately 50 cm (NW-SE) X 55 cm (NE-SW), but as we excavated to the NW we uncovered several large pieces of tile somewhat articulated. This tile collapse (context 0915) extended over 0882. Therefore after we removed the tile, the dimensions extended to approximately 1.1 M (NW-SE). The soil was light gray and ashy with an orange-ish yellow (2.5YR olive yellow) ashy layer of the same consistency and composition under it.The entire context was no more than 8-10 cm in dept, becoming more thin as it oved away from the wall course 0922.
  • Context: CH06SR_883
    • The dimensions at definition are approximately 1.35 M (NW-SE) X 1.1 M (NE-SW) but the context extends eastward under 0884 increasing the extent to approximately 2 M (NW-SE) X 2.3 M (NE-SW) and the depth was 10-15 cm. Soil was a crumbly and gravely light brown and it appears that rodent burrows are present. In general the context looks very disturbed. There are many large pieces of bone and tile, the ceramics range from large to small in size. - Context is locatad in S/SW corner of area 3, around area of cistern - stretches out in rough circle.
  • Context: CH06SR_884
    • Fine ashy dark brown soil that (at this point) we believe fills the top of a cut that is filled below by the dark black soil 0877. It certainly covers the black in a section on the SE part of a circular cut [0897] filled by 0877. Does not fill the cut 0897, but it is rather likely some sort of surface associated with metal-working activities.
  • Context: CH06SR_885
    • The dimensions of the context are approximately 2 M (NE-SW) X 85 cm (NW-SE) and 5-7 cm in depth. The grayish brown layer is mottled with white gravel inclusions.
  • Context: CH06SR_886
    • Loose dark brown soil with an approximate extent of 3.1 M (NW-SE) X 20-30 cm (NE-SW) and no more than 5-10 cm in depth. It becomes less distinct and more shallow as we worked towards section 2. - Unclear if this is a fill in a cut that its 754, or a somewhat different soil in a depression at the edge of the courtyard; photos, hovever, suggest fill of cut.

GIS Status

  • on/off_switch
  • on/off_switch
  • on/off_switch


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