
Micro View Forms

  • CH06SR
  • 90
  • Plan



  • Layer Plan, West Courtyard


Linked Contexts

  • Context: CH06SR_759
    • Brown loam layer with yellow and orange clay inclusions that extends all the way across the unit except for [the area of] the wall trench (possible) in the NW side (adjacent to wall 265). In addition to the abovementioned clay inclusions there were eroded limestone fragments (white and likely bedrock), several fragments and lumps of plaster (3 bags), and an approximately 6cm [in diameter] lump of greenish clay. Also contains many flecks of charcoal especially between section 1 and 2. Depth varies from 10-15 cm and composition is similar to context 0772.
  • Context: CH06SR_762
    • Soft brown soil with few artifacts. Context is adjacent to wall 265 and extends approximately 60 cm from the wall and into the profile of section 1. Approximately 25-30 cm in depth. This context extended from section 1 to section 2 narrowing as it approached section 2. (see notebook and plan for sketches). After rain it became apparent that the wall trench did not narrow between section 1 and 2. This was not discovered until after removing what may have been 0804 above 0762 (see SM notebook for further explanation).
  • Context: CH06SR_763
    • Distinct cut parallel to wall 265 [and wall 50] that cut through the pit (Context 770) down to the bedrock. Bottom was gently sloping with fairly straight walls in the profile of section 1. The cut was approximately 65 cm (NE-SW) towards the bottom and 3.6 M along walls 50 and 65.
  • Context: CH06SR_816
    • At defintion the pit appeard to be 60 cm (NE-SW) X 1 M (NW-SE), however at approximately 15 cm below surface of definition it was determined to be two pits side by side. The other [pit is] 0823. After both were identified the dimensions are 60 cm (NE-SW) X 84 cm (NW-SE) and approximately 30 cm in depth. The soil was very dark brown with few clay inclusions. The sides are steep with a relatively flat bottom surface.
  • Context: CH06SR_817
    • The cut is 84 cm (NW-SE) X 60 cm (NE-SW) then narrowing to 30 cm (NE-SW) as it approaches section 2. The sides vary, 2 are steep and the other gently sloping. The Northeastern most edge abuts pit 0823. The cut is approximately 30 cm in depth and the bottom and edges look like eroded bedrock.
  • Context: CH06SR_822
    • The cut is approximately 70 cm (NW-SE) X (NE-SW) and approximately 35-40 cm in depth with steep edges and a relatively flat bottom. The cut appears to extend under wall 296. One edge is a sharp/steep cut of bedrock, the other two edges are into soil (both into what may be a trench dug to rob stone slabs).
  • Context: CH06SR_823
    • The fill is a very dark brown loose soil with a high density of ceramics. There are also many faunal remains (bones), both bones and ceramics were especially concentrated near the wall. Near the bottom of the fill was 10-15 medium sized (10-15 cm in diameter) stones. The dimensions of this context can be located on a plan (90?) drawn by Allyson.
  • Context: CH06SR_834
    • At defintion the cut is 60 cm X 60 cm and circular. Gently sloping edges with an uneven botoom. The fill was indistinguishable from context 0757 except for that it contained many roots in various stages of decomposition and many filaments (or small roots).

GIS Status

  • on/off_switch
  • on/off_switch
  • on/off_switch


  • Illustrator
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