- CH06SR0762
- Fill of wall trench (wall 265 and 50), NE courtyard
- Soft brown soil with few artifacts. Context is adjacent to wall 265 and extends approximately 60 cm from the wall and into the profile of section 1. Approximately 25-30 cm in depth. This context extended from section 1 to section 2 narrowing as it approached section 2. (see notebook and plan for sketches). After rain it became apparent that the wall trench did not narrow between section 1 and 2. This was not discovered until after removing what may have been 0804 above 0762 (see SM notebook for further explanation).
- Adjacent to sect 1 in Area1, this layer is covered by an ashy very dark greyish brown soil [0755] that looks much like those excavated last year in the courtyard that were associated with metalworking activities. In N/NE area of the unit near section 2, concentration of plaster and 1/4-1/2 inch flecks of charcoal [0805].
CH06SR_763 -
Same As
None linked.
- The initial Fill for a wall [265 and 50] trench
- SM
Formation Processes
Faunal Assemblage
Total = 74
Total | |
Unidentifiable | 2 |
Domestic Pig | 2 |
Fish | 1 |
Bird | 3 |
Domestic Cattle | 29 |
Red Deer | 1 |
Dolphin | 1 |
Oyster | 11 |
Domestic Sheep | 8 |
Domestic Sheep/Goat | 16 |
Fish Species Assemblage
- There are no results for this record
Birds Species Assemblage
- There are no results for this record
Ceramic Assemblage
Total = 341
Total | |
Pithos | 16 |
Amphora | 200 |
Cookware | 22 |
Fineware | 103 |
Total = 341
Total | |
Pithos (type) | 16 |
Red clay (Zeest - 72, 73, 75) | 1 |
Sinope | 10 |
Colchis | 1 |
Unidentified Hellenistic/Roman amphora | 15 |
Class 1 ("waisted") | 5 |
Class 2 ("carrot") | 2 |
Class 3 (Zeest-100) | 8 |
ADSV, type V | 8 |
Class 12 (LRC 1-Riley) | 9 |
Class 18 (LRA 2-Riley) | 1 |
Class 22 (Zeest-95; LRA 4-Riley) | 7 |
Class 24 | 16 |
Class 36 | 1 |
Class 41 | 31 |
Class 42 (Gunsenin-I) | 1 |
Class 43 (Gunsenin-II) | 3 |
Class 48 (Gunsenin-III) | 2 |
Class 52 | 74 |
Unidentified amphora | 5 |
Handmade cookware | 3 |
Wheelmade cookware | 19 |
Unidentified plain fineware | 37 |
Middle Byzantine plain fineware jar | 26 |
Late Byzantine plain fineware jar | 23 |
Glazed White Ware II, Hayes 1992 | 7 |
Unidentified Middle Byzantine glazed fineware | 1 |
Glazed White Ware IV (group 9, Yakobson) | 1 |
Unidentified Late Byzantine glazed fineware | 1 |
Red-slip | 6 |
Black gloss | 1 |
Total = 341
Total | |
2nd-4th c. AD | 1 |
Hellenistic/Roman | 15 |
5th-7th c. AD | 40 |
13th c. AD | 23 |
9th-11th c. AD | 86 |
12th-13th c. AD | 78 |
Roman (Ceramic date) | 5 |
1st-2nd c. AD | 1 |
Hellenistic (Ceramic date) | 12 |
Linked Special Finds
Special Find: CH06SR_3538
Special Find: CH06SR_3660
Special Find: CH06SR_3662
Special Find: CH06SR_3692
Special Find: CH06SR_3693
Linked Samples
Sample: CH06SR_599
- Carbonized wood, charcoal sample from courtyard
Botanical Assemblage
Skeletal Remains
- No attached items.
Microwear Analysis
- No attached items.
Record Status Flags
- SM
Date Excavated
27-6-2006 -
Verified by
Verified on
Entered By
- SM
Site Photos
Site Photo: CH06SR_1077
Site Photo: CH06SR_1078
Site Photo: CH06SR_1229
Site Photo: CH06SR_1230
Site Photo: CH06SR_1231
Site Photo: CH06SR_1298
Site Photo: CH06SR_1299
Site Photo: CH06SR_1300
Linked GeoPhotos
- No attached items.
Linked Drawings
Linked TopoSurfaces
- No attached items.
PhotoModeler Projects
- No attached items.