Context | Context Type | Definition | Excavator | Verified by | Options |
CH02PA_178 | Positive | First layer of collapse in room 30 |
CH02PA_179 | Wall | Wall stub separating rooms 25 and 34 |
CH02PA_180 | Positive | Collapse in the room cfr. USCHPA115 |
CH02PA_181 | Positive | Layer of collapse in room 26 |
CH02PA_182 | Negative | Cut (modern bomb) |
CH02PA_183 | Positive | fill of modern bomb crater 182 |
CH02PA_184 | Wall | Northern wall of Room 23 |
CH02PA_185 | Positive | Collapse in courtyard over final use surface |
CH02PA_186 | Negative | Cut for modern trench |
CH02PA_187 | Positive | Setting of iron post for modern fence |
CH02PA_188 | Negative | Cut for cement support of an iron pole |
CH02PA_189 | Positive | Cement support for iron pole filling US 188 |
CH02PA_190 | Positive | Collapse of tiles in room 26 |
CH02PA_191 | Positive | Tomb 1 mortar |
CH02PA_192 | Negative | Tomb 1 Bedrock [cut in bedrock for tomb 1] |
CH02PA_193 | Positive | Layer of soil cut to create t. 1 |
CH02PA_194 | Positive | Layer of mortar, clay and crushed pottery in room 26 |
CH02PA_195 | Positive | Layer of ash in SE corner of room 26 |
CH02PA_196 | Positive | Last-phase floor of room 26 |
CH02PA_197 | Positive | Brown soil layer in room 27 |
CH02PA_198 | Positive | Layer of brown soil in W area of room 27 |
CH02PA_199 | Positive | Second level of pavement in room 25 |
CH02PA_200 | Wall | Steps of staircase in room 25 |
CH02PA_201 | Wall | Wall between room 34 and room 38 |
CH02PA_202 | Positive | Layer of collapse of wall 201 |