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CH06SR_928 Negative Cut for the fill 0927, Area 3 Courtyard
  • SM
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CH06SR_929 Positive Rocky layer with brown soil matrix, NW of cistern, Area 3 Courtyard
  • SM
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CH06SR_930 Positive Fill of circular pit connected to cut 913 in central Area 3, Courtyard
  • SM
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CH06SR_931 Negative Cut for the fill 0930, central area 3, courtyard
  • SM
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CH06SR_932 Wall Remains of wall structure with mortar by wall 0296, area 3, courtyard
  • SM
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CH06SR_933 Positive Pebbley brown soil below c.n. 0929, area 3, courtyard
  • SM
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CH06SR_934 Wall Construction of stone and mortar in cut 0913, Central Area 3, Courtyard
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CH06SR_935 Positive Mud bricks above bedrock in area 3, courtyard
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CH06SR_936 Negative Cut in Main street by SE church wall
  • AS
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CH06SR_937 Positive Layer of white mortar at the top of cut 0936
  • AS
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CH06SR_938 Positive Layer with stones in fill of cut 0936
  • AS
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CH06SR_939 Positive Bottom part of fill of 920 cut in the church
  • AS
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CH06SR_940 Positive Thin layer of burnt soil and ash under stairs in room 38
  • ATR
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CH06SR_941 Positive Fill of the cut 924 in the church between tombs 1 and 2
  • AS
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CH06SR_942 Negative Possible foundation trench for early wall near cistern in courtyard
  • ATR
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CH06SR_943 Negative Cut for foundation trench for wall 296
  • ATR
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CH06SR_944 Wall Early wall under N section of wall 296
  • ATR
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CH06SR_945 Negative Posthole (?) cut in bedrock of courtyard next to NE section wall
  • ATR
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CH06SR_946 Wall Wall extending along line of wall 264 in room 31 probe
  • DVD
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CH06SR_947 Wall Wall of built structure (tomb?) underlying main street and church wall
  • LS
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CH06SR_998 Positive Clay layer below bedrock on the entire site
  • GK
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CH06SR_999 Positive Natural bedrock over entire area of site
  • ATR
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Total Pages:  47 Total Results:  1172
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