Context | Context Type | Definition | Excavator | Verified by | Options |
CH02PA_203 | Positive | Layer of ash in center of room 26 |
CH02PA_204 | Positive | Tomb 3 walls |
CH02PA_205 | Negative | Circular cut to S of modern trench in courtyard |
CH02PA_206 | Positive | Fill of cut 205 in courtyard |
CH02PA_207 | Positive | Tomb 3 fill |
CH02PA_208 | Positive | Tomb III. Covering Stones? |
CH02PA_209 | Positive | Layer of reddish soil along NE side of room 26 |
CH02PA_210 | Positive | Stones in the E corner of room 26 |
CH02PA_211 | Positive | Layer of collapse in room 31 |
CH02PA_212 | Wall | Wall between room 29 and room 35 |
CH02PA_213 | Wall | Wall between room 29 and room 32 |
CH02PA_214 | Wall | Wall between room 29 and room 32 (west of door opening) |
CH02PA_215 | Positive | Patches of burnt soil in room 26 |
CH02PA_216 | Positive | Layer of collapse in room 30 |
CH02PA_217 | Wall |
CH02PA_218 | Positive | Layer with patches of burnt soil |
CH02PA_219 | Positive | Layer of dark red soil |
CH02PA_220 | Positive | Layer of light yellow soil |
CH02PA_221 | Positive | Layer of ash |
CH02PA_222 | Positive | Layer of collapse |
CH02PA_223 | Positive | Cleaning of the collapse USCHPA232 |
CH02PA_224 | Positive | Stones in the north-western part of the room |
CH02PA_225 | Positive | Floor in the NW corner of the room |
CH02PA_226 | Negative | Cut of pseudocircular pit in collapse of room 30 |
CH02PA_227 | Positive | Fill of pit 226 |