Context | Context Type | Definition | Excavator | Verified by | Options |
CH02PA_254 | Positive | Cancelled! |
CH02PA_255 | Positive |
CH02PA_257 | Wall | Wall of room 38 along the stenopos |
CH02PA_259 | Positive | Yellow soil layer cut by trench |
CH02PA_261 | Positive | Fill of yelloew soil |
CH02PA_262 | Positive |
CH02PA_264 | Wall | Wall between rooms 31 and 38 |
CH02PA_265 | Wall |
CH02PA_266 | Positive |
CH02PA_267 | Positive |
CH02PA_268 | Positive | Patch of ash |
CH02PA_269 | Positive | Yellow soil under uschpa268 |
CH02PA_270 | Positive | Cancelled! |
CH02PA_271 | Positive | First beaten earth floor limited by US196 |
CH02PA_272 | Positive | Second beaten earth floor |
CH02PA_273 | Positive | Beaten earth floor |
CH02PA_274 | Wall | Wall that divides the room in two parts |
CH02PA_275 | Positive | Stones covered by uschpa203 |
CH02PA_276 | Positive | Layer of organic soil |
CH02PA_277 | Positive |
CH02PA_278 | Positive |
CH02PA_279 | Wall | Wall East-West |
CH02PA_280 | Wall | Wall North-South (Northern part) |
CH02PA_281 | Wall | Wall East-West |
CH02PA_282 | Positive |