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Context Context Type Definition Excavator Verified by Options
CH04SR_500 Wall Narrowing of door from room 28 to room 33
  • SW
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CH04SR_501 Negative Cut in bedrock in room 36, filled by SR439
  • CS
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CH04SR_502 Wall bench outside room 35 and 34 on street consists of 2 worked stones
  • SW
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CH04SR_999 Positive Natural bedrock over entire area of site
  • SW
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CH05SR_0 Positive Unstratified material (out of context)
  • ATR
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CH05SR_1 Positive Topsoil
  • GK
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CH05SR_31 Wall Faced dry-stone wall between room 29 and courtyard
  • ATR
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CH05SR_32 Wall Faced dry-stone wall between room 32 and courtyard
  • ATR
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CH05SR_33 Wall NE-SW wall forming west corner of room 28
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CH05SR_49 Wall Faced dry-stone wall between room 32 and courtyard
  • ATR
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CH05SR_77 Wall Dry stone wall with dormiente between rooms 30 and 25
  • SW
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CH05SR_201 Wall Wall between rooms 34 and 38
  • SW
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CH05SR_217 Wall Dry stone wall with dormiente between rooms 30 and 31
  • SW
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CH05SR_229 Wall Blocking wall closing room 31 off from room 25
  • SW
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CH05SR_257 Wall Dry stone masonry wall between room 38 and stenopos
  • SW
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CH05SR_263 Wall Blocking of door between rooms 38 and 31
  • ATR
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CH05SR_264 Wall Dry stone wall between rooms 31 and 38
  • ATR
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CH05SR_265 Wall Dry stone semi terrace wall between yard 1 and room 31
  • ATR
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CH05SR_279 Wall Wall closing off room 28 from room 32 - later blocking
  • ATR
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CH05SR_281 Wall Dry stone wall, destroyed in centre, between rooms 33 and 36
  • ATR
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CH05SR_298 Wall Dry stone wall w/large blocks, damaged, between room 33 and plateia
  • ATR
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CH05SR_317 Wall Dry stone wall between rooms 28 and 33
  • ATR
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CH05SR_354 Positive Last-phase floor of room 32
  • NK
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CH05SR_367 Surface Compacted earth surface in room 31
  • ATR
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CH05SR_385 Positive Lower layer of hearth in room 30
  • ATR
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Total Pages:  47 Total Results:  1172
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