
Micro View Forms

  • CH06SR
  • 86
  • Profile



  • Section 1, COURTYARD


Linked Contexts

  • Context: CH06SR_752
    • Compact dark greyish brown silty loam. Artifacts include tiles, ceramics, bones and stones. The top of the context was photoed in the NW area of the open trench, but because we [had already] excavated through most of it in the NE area [across the balk it was not included in the photo]. Context 752 does not extend all the way across the balk but is on both sides of it.Context is approximately 15-20 cm in depth [See sketch for plan] in Areas 1 and 2, but becomes thinner, less than 5 cm, in Area 3.
  • Context: CH06SR_755
    • Loose ashy dark brown soil in NW courtyard w/ some yellow clay inclusions. Dimensions are approximately 60 cm NE/SW and 110 cm NW/SE and approximately 2-3 cm in depth
  • Context: CH06SR_757
    • Loose brown layer that had a high concentration of ceramics (many large in size ~10-20 cm). Dimensions of context [in Area 1] are approximately 70 X 70 cm. It was not very thick, less than 5 cm in depth from Dima's previously excavated trench to section 1. From section 1 to section 2 it varied in depth, taking a dive to as much as 15 cm in the center between the well and section 2. However, on both sides of the well it remained thin and near section 2 it thinned again. It was not located in Area 3, possibly due to the several pits that extended across the unit near section 2.
  • Context: CH06SR_759
    • Brown loam layer with yellow and orange clay inclusions that extends all the way across the unit except for [the area of] the wall trench (possible) in the NW side (adjacent to wall 265). In addition to the abovementioned clay inclusions there were eroded limestone fragments (white and likely bedrock), several fragments and lumps of plaster (3 bags), and an approximately 6cm [in diameter] lump of greenish clay. Also contains many flecks of charcoal especially between section 1 and 2. Depth varies from 10-15 cm and composition is similar to context 0772.
  • Context: CH06SR_762
    • Soft brown soil with few artifacts. Context is adjacent to wall 265 and extends approximately 60 cm from the wall and into the profile of section 1. Approximately 25-30 cm in depth. This context extended from section 1 to section 2 narrowing as it approached section 2. (see notebook and plan for sketches). After rain it became apparent that the wall trench did not narrow between section 1 and 2. This was not discovered until after removing what may have been 0804 above 0762 (see SM notebook for further explanation).
  • Context: CH06SR_999

GIS Status

  • on/off_switch
  • on/off_switch
  • on/off_switch


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