Context | Context Type | Definition | Excavator | Verified by | Options |
CH01PA_109 | Wall | Soglia tra i Muri USCHPA32 e USCHPA155 |
CH01PA_124 | Positive | Rampa di Scale con andamento N\W-S\E |
CH01PA_125 | Positive | Crollo ad E del Muro USCHPA32 |
CH01PA_155 | Wall | Muro con andamento N\W - S\E |
CH01PA_32 | Wall | Muro a sacco con andamento N\W - S\E |
CH02PA_213 | Wall | Wall between room 29 and room 32 |
CH02PA_214 | Wall | Wall between room 29 and room 32 (west of door opening) |
CH04SR_338 | Positive | collapse in room 32 |
ATR | |
CH04SR_341 | Positive | tile and ash layer under collapse in room 32 |
ATR | |
CH04SR_354 | Positive | hard compacted earth/clay surface in room 32 |
ATR | |
CH04SR_356 | Positive | Tile/articulated vessels/bottom layer of collapse in southeast part of room 32 |
ATR | |
CH04SR_460 | Positive | Grey/black ashy layer NW end room 32 |
CH04SR_461 | Positive | Brown earth/packing NW end room 32 |
CH04SR_462 | Positive | Posthole fill for landing room 32 |
CH04SR_463 | Negative | Cut of SR 462 |
CH04SR_466 | Positive | Fill of posthole near door to room 36 in room 32 |
CH04SR_467 | Negative | Cut of SR 466 |
CH04SR_472 | Positive | Light brown/brown clayey layer in NE part of room 32 |
CH04SR_474 | Negative | Cut of posthole in room 32 |
CH04SR_475 | Positive | Fill of posthole in room 32 |
CH04SR_476 | Negative | Cut of disturbance in room 32 |
CH04SR_477 | Positive | Fill of disturbance in room 32 |
CH04SR_478 | Negative | Cut of disturbance in room 32 |
CH04SR_479 | Positive | Fill of disturbance in room 32 |
CH04SR_496 | Wall | Stairs running down NE into Room 32 |