- CH04SR0348
- upper layer of tile disturbance/collapse in room 29
- Tile disturbance/collapse in room 29, very dark gray soil. Lots of tile, ceramics.
- Only broken tiles were counted by the buckets, whole tiles were taken to the laboratory and were not included in the count
- Tile collapse
- SM
- July 11, 2005: this layer seems, from joins found after the season, to have been the uppermost part of a very thick collapse of tiles that crushed two pithoi in the room, mingling with their upper parts; joins across the three layers into which tile collapse and pots in situ were divided suggest that the collapse took place during a single brief period, despite the apparent horizons between them identified during excavation
Formation Processes
Faunal Assemblage
Total = 114
Total | |
Unidentifiable | 27 |
Domestic Pig | 4 |
Sturgeon-type | 1 |
Fish | 4 |
Scallop | 1 |
Bird | 1 |
Domestic Cattle | 18 |
Domestic Goat | 2 |
Cyprinoid | 1 |
Horse | 1 |
Oyster | 11 |
Domestic Sheep | 12 |
Domestic Sheep/Goat | 31 |
Fish Species Assemblage
- There are no results for this record
Birds Species Assemblage
Total = 3
Total | |
Corvus cornix | 1 |
Phalacrocorax carbo | 1 |
Ceramic Assemblage
Total = 168
Total | |
Pithos | 83 |
Amphora | 62 |
Cookware | 8 |
Fineware | 15 |
Total = 168
Total | |
Pithos (type) | 83 |
Late Roman | 2 |
ADSV, type V | 1 |
Class 24 ("Black Sea" with rilled zones) | 8 |
Class 41 | 7 |
Class 43 (Gunsenin-II) | 4 |
Class 45 (Gunsenin-IV) | 11 |
Class 48 (Gunsenin-III) | 2 |
Class 52 | 18 |
Unidentified amphora | 9 |
Cookware (type) | 8 |
Closed plain form | 4 |
Sgraffito ware (monochrome) | 5 |
Glazed White Ware II | 2 |
Red-slip | 3 |
Black gloss | 1 |
Total = 168
Total | |
5th-7th c. AD | 1 |
12th-13th c. AD | 31 |
9th-13th c. AD | 87 |
13th c. AD | 5 |
9th-11th c. AD | 21 |
Roman (Ceramic date) | 5 |
Hellenistic (Ceramic date) | 1 |
Linked Special Finds
Special Find: CH04SR_2137
Special Find: CH04SR_2140
Linked Samples
- No attached items.
Botanical Assemblage
Skeletal Remains
- No attached items.
Microwear Analysis
- No attached items.
Record Status Flags
- SW
Date Excavated
25-6-2004 -
Verified by
ATRVerified on
11-7-2005 -
Entered By
Site Photos
- There are no files attached to this record yet.
Linked GeoPhotos
Geophoto: CH04SR_3
- tile collapse in room 29 (N quad)
Geophoto: CH04SR_31
- tile collapse under section, N side
Geophoto: CH04SR_32
- tile collapse under section, W side
Geophoto: CH04SR_4
- tile collapse in room 29 (E quad)
Geophoto: CH04SR_5
- tile collapse in room 29
Geophoto: CH04SR_6
- tile collapse in room 29 (W quad)
Linked Drawings
- No attached items.
Linked TopoSurfaces
- No attached items.
PhotoModeler Projects
- No attached items.