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CH04SR_365 Positive Fill (or layer?) containing child burial in floor Fill (or layer?) containing child burial in floor
  • ATR
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CH04SR_414 Positive Black ashy layer in room 36
  • CS
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CH04SR_425 Positive Layer of burning 35
  • DVD
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CH04SR_449 Positive Thin layer of black under 448 in room 36
  • CS
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CH04SR_450 Positive Thin layer of black under 435 in room 36
  • CS
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CH04SR_473 Positive Fill of pit near the middle of SW wall of room 29
  • DVD
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CH04SR_474 Negative Cut of posthole in room 32
  • SM
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CH04SR_475 Positive Fill of posthole in room 32
  • SM
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CH04SR_477 Positive Fill of disturbance in room 32
  • SM
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CH04SR_479 Positive Fill of disturbance in room 32
  • SM
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CH04SR_490 Positive Fill of posthole on the NW side of room 29
  • DVD
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CH04SR_491 Positive Fill of second posthole on the NW side of room 29
  • DVD
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CH05SR_460 Positive Gray/black ashy layer in NE and SW end of room 32
  • NK
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CH05SR_508 Positive Ash scatter in E corner of room 33 connected with hearth bottom
  • NK
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CH05SR_518 Positive Hearth feature in S corner of room 33
  • NK
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CH05SR_527 Positive Black ashy soil in east section of courtyard
  • SM
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CH05SR_531 Positive Dark ashy iron rich patch in SW part of unexcavated area of room 32
  • NK
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CH05SR_540 Positive Ashy patch in S region of Room 32
  • NK
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CH05SR_541 Positive Black ashy soil in western section courtyard
  • SM
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CH05SR_587 Positive Black soil/fill of a pit underneath context 576 in W courtyard
  • SM
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CH05SR_589 Positive Bottom of hearth feature con. 555, cut of 557 in E corner of 33.
  • NK
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CH05SR_642 Positive Black ashy layer/ lens in courtyard extension
  • SM
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CH06SR_877 Positive Ashy black soil in N Area 3 in courtyard
  • SM
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CH06SR_896 Positive Loose dark brown ashy fill in SE area 3, courtyard
  • SM
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CH06SR_917 Positive Ashy layer in pit 0913
  • SM
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Total Pages:  1 Total Results:  25
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