
Micro View Forms


  • CH05SR0636
  • Hard pack floor in room 33, below 519
  • Compacted surface across the floor of 33, dark brown fine-silt- loam, smooth well packed surface with clear separation from 519, inclusions of charcoal, small stones, plaster frags, ceramics, and bone. Damaged in places, bedrock shows through; 4-20 cm deep.
  • Some of the floor surface, perhaps 15cm was removed to bedrock in the N. Corner of the unit.
  • Ceramics


    • Floor surface below leveling fill 519, associated with 9-10th century occupation and sunken floor (731) dark-age building. Or simply latest floor in bedrock cut construction in 33.
      • NK
    • Ceramic material provides preliminary 10-11th c. date. Numismatic evidence consists of: two locally minted coins of time of Romanus III (1028-1034), two locally minted coins of time of Constantine VII (second quarter of 10th c.), locally minted coin of Basil I (867-886),two locally minted omega-rho coins of the end of the 11th to the 12th c., Hellenistic Greek coin of the late 3rd c. BC. Note that on a spatial level, the coin of the 9th is deep below the surface in this layer and one of the coins of the 10th c. was 10cm or so below it, while all the coins of the 11th-12th c. are just below the surface -- thus it is possible that the floor was laid in the 10th c. and the later coins were trampled into its surface during the period of its use. This would make the ceramic and numismatic material match fairly well.
      • ATR

Formation Processes

Faunal Assemblage

Total = 294
Unidentifiable 28
Domestic Pig 1
Marine snail 1
Fish 102
Scallop 2
Domestic Cattle 24
Dog 2
Domestic Goat 1
Cockle family 1
Crab 3
Human 1
Mussels 21
Oyster 30
Domestic Sheep/Goat 77

Fish Species Assemblage

Total = 13
Scophthalmus rhombus 4
Sander lucioperca 3
Silurus glanis 1
Cyprinidae 1
Acipenseridae 1
Raja clavata 3

Birds Species Assemblage

Total = 12
Coturnix coturnix 1
Gallus gallus f. Domestica 9
Unidentified Bird 1

Ceramic Assemblage

Total = 297
Pithos 5
Amphora 147
Cookware 48
Fineware 97
Total = 297
Pithos (type) 5
Unidentified Hellenistic and Roman amphora 11
Light clay (Heraklea, Sinope) 3
Class 1 3
Class 2 ("carrot") 5
Class 3 (Zeest-100) 1
Class 4 (Gaza type; LRA 3-Riley) 1
ADSV, type V 10
Class 12 (LRC 1-Riley) 9
Class 22 (Zeest-95; LRA 3-Riley) 2
Class 24 ("Black Sea" with rilled zones) 54
Class 36 ("Black Sea") 1
Class 41 33
Class 42 (Gunsenin-I) 1
Unidentified amphora 13
Unidentified cookware 48
Unidentified plain fineware 86
Glazed White Ware II 6
Zeuxippos ware 1
Red-slip 3
LRC, form 2 1
Total = 297
9th-13th c. AD 5
Hellenistic/Roman 11
1st c. BC-2nd c. AD 3
5th-7th c. AD 31
9th-11th c. AD 95
13th c. AD 1
Roman (Ceramic date) 4

Linked Special Finds

Linked Samples

  • Sample: CH05SR_471
    • palaeobotanical sample from room 33
  • Sample: CH05SR_472
    • palaeobotanical sample from room 33
  • Sample: CH05SR_473
    • palaeobotanical sample from room 33
  • Sample: CH05SR_474
    • palaeobotanical sample from room 33
  • Sample: CH05SR_475
    • palaeobotanical sample from room 33

Skeletal Remains

  • No attached items.

Microwear Analysis

Recording Sheet

Record Status Flags

  • on/off_switch
  • on/off_switch


  • Excavator
    • NK
    Date Excavated
  • Verified by
    Verified on
  • Entered By
    • NK

Spatial Data

Site Photos


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Linked GeoPhotos

  • No attached items.

Linked Drawings

  • No attached items.

Linked TopoSurfaces

  • Topo Surface: CH05SR_36
    • Floor surface and pits

PhotoModeler Projects

  • No attached items.