Context | Context Type | Definition | Excavator | Verified by | Options |
CH04SR_369 | Positive | layer of roof and tile collapse in room 30 |
ATR | |
CH04SR_372 | Positive | Relatively loose brown soil forming matrix for large stones in room 36 |
CH04SR_381 | Positive | Fill of hole/Depression W corner Rm 30 |
ATR | |
CH04SR_416 | Positive | Compacted light gravel surface adjacent to staircase |
CH05SR_423 | Positive | Collapse on street NE of buildings |
ATR | |
CH05SR_434 | Positive | Tile collapse in street NE of buildings |
ATR | |
CH05SR_520 | Positive | Fill of stones with grayish-brown wet soil in the well |
CH05SR_534 | Positive | Fill of the modern trench for electric cable down NE side of Stenopos. |
CH05SR_535 | Positive | Collapse in Room 38 |
ATR | |
CH05SR_539 | Positive | Fill of Tomb 4 |
CH05SR_550 | Positive | Loose brown soil in courtyard |
CH05SR_578 | Positive | Compact grayish brown clayey soil in W courtyard |
CH05SR_582 | Wall | Collapse of wall 298 by east outer corner of room 33 |
CH05SR_656 | Positive | Layer under stone collapse in NE part of room 37 |
ATR | |
CH06SR_861 | Positive | Fill of pit between slabs and robbers trench 0837 in area 2 of courtyard |