Context | Context Type | Definition | Excavator | Verified by | Options |
CH01PA_100 | Wall | Muro con andamento N\W - S\E |
CH01PA_110 | Positive | Piano Calpestio a N della Chiesa |
CH01PA_116 | Positive | Struttura semicircolare |
CH01PA_117 | Positive | Sistemazione per SFCHPA507 (Zeppe Pithos) |
CH01PA_135 | Positive | Piano/Battuto nell'abside e nella navata |
CH01PA_142 | Positive | Strato di bruciato esteso nell'area W del Vano |
CH01PA_143 | Positive | Battuto nell'angolo NE del Vano 23 |
CH01PA_164 | Positive | Fill of tomb 1 |
CH01PA_59 | Positive | Piano di Frequentazione |
CH01PA_71 | Positive | Pavimento |
CH01PA_79 | Positive | Strato di terreno polveroso |
CH01PA_85 | Wall | Banchina ad E dell'USCHPA73 |
CH01PA_86 | Positive | Piano stradale |
CH02PA_194 | Positive | Layer of mortar, clay and crushed pottery in room 26 |
CH02PA_195 | Positive | Layer of ash in SE corner of room 26 |
CH02PA_196 | Positive | Last-phase floor of room 26 |
CH02PA_198 | Positive | Layer of brown soil in W area of room 27 |
CH02PA_199 | Positive | Second level of pavement in room 25 |
CH02PA_200 | Wall | Steps of staircase in room 25 |
CH02PA_203 | Positive | Layer of ash in center of room 26 |
CH04SR_339 | Positive | collapse in room 29 |
ATR | |
CH04SR_340 | Positive | Compacted gray green ashy layer covering most of room 28 sloping sw-ne |
ATR | |
CH04SR_341 | Positive | tile and ash layer under collapse in room 32 |
ATR | |
CH04SR_347 | Positive | layer of yellow soil mounded in small doorway of room 28 |
ATR | |
CH04SR_348 | Positive | upper layer of tile disturbance/collapse in room 29 |