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CH05SR_715 Positive Yellowish clayey soil in NW courtyard by walls 692 and 693
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CH05SR_716 Positive Bedding layer below context 666
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CH05SR_717 Positive Layer of compact eroded bedrock in W wing of room 31
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CH05SR_718 Negative Cut in bedrock under NW wall of room 30
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CH05SR_719 Wall Stone slabs bounded by wall 682
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CH05SR_720 Wall Bench stone just at E corner of Main street
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CH05SR_721 Wall Bench stone in Main street by wall 298
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CH05SR_722 Wall Rubble wall remains (?) by Tomb 3
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CH05SR_723 Negative Cut for fill of context 563 in central courtyard
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CH05SR_724 Negative Cut in the bedrock in S corner of W wing of room 31.
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CH05SR_725 Negative Cut in the bedrock parallel to 398 in S corner of W wing of room 31.
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CH05SR_726 Negative Straight cut in the N corner of room 31 (W wing)
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CH05SR_727 Negative Pit in W corner of the room 31 (W wing)
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CH05SR_728 Negative Squared cut in the bedrock in the E side of the room 38.
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CH05SR_729 Negative Semicircular cut in the bed rock in S corner of the room 38.
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CH05SR_730 Positive Filling of 729 in room 38.
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CH05SR_731 Negative Cut in the bedrock in room 33 forming possible dark age house.
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CH05SR_732 Wall reinforcement of the wall 264 in room 38
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CH05SR_733 Negative Cut in the bedrock in NE part of rm 30
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CH05SR_734 Negative Cut in the bedrock in E part of rm 30 under the NE wall
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CH05SR_735 Wall wall of next block to NE across stenopos.
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CH05SR_736 Negative Cut in the ground for a well in W courtyard
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CH05SR_737 Negative Cut for construction of Tomb 5
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CH05SR_738 Negative Cut for a pit in E corner behind the wall 693 in the courtyard
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CH05SR_739 Wall Threshold of door into room 29
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Total Pages:  47 Total Results:  1172
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