Context | Context Type | Definition | Excavator | Verified by | Options |
CH04SR_338 | Positive | collapse in room 32 |
ATR | |
CH04SR_341 | Positive | tile and ash layer under collapse in room 32 |
ATR | |
CH04SR_356 | Positive | Tile/articulated vessels/bottom layer of collapse in southeast part of room 32 |
ATR | |
CH04SR_358 | Positive | Collapse in room 30 |
ATR | |
CH04SR_359 | Positive | Collapse in room 31 |
ATR | |
CH04SR_363 | Positive | tile collapse in room 31 [possibly same fill as SR359] |
ATR | |
CH04SR_400 | Positive | Grey ashy layer on surface room 36 |
CH04SR_470 | Positive | The solid layer under SR 464 |
CH05SR_508 | Positive | Ash scatter in E corner of room 33 connected with hearth bottom |
CH05SR_555 | Positive | Pit in 519 (E. Corner of Room 33), fill of pit 557, room 33 |
CH05SR_716 | Positive | Bedding layer below context 666 |
ATR | |
CH06SR_785 | Positive | Brown compact soil in center of SE part of room 38 |
CH06SR_832 | Positive | Fill of a pit in S corner of East wing, Room 31 |
CH06SR_876 | Positive | Fine ashy gray patch in NW area 3 in courtyard |