Context | Context Type | Definition | Excavator | Verified by | Options |
CH01PA_69 | Positive | Crollo di pietre all'interno del Vano 27 |
CH01PA_78 | Positive | Strato di Crollo |
CH02PA_216 | Positive | Layer of collapse in room 30 |
CH04SR_338 | Positive | collapse in room 32 |
ATR | |
CH04SR_344 | Positive | fill of disturbance/pit in East Corner of room 29 |
ATR | |
CH04SR_359 | Positive | Collapse in room 31 |
ATR | |
CH04SR_362 | Positive | fill of tomb 2 in church |
CH04SR_369 | Positive | layer of roof and tile collapse in room 30 |
ATR | |
CH04SR_374 | Positive | loose collapse in room 35 |
ATR | |
CH04SR_434 | Positive | Tile collapse in street NE of building |
CH04SR_468 | Positive | Grayish clayey soil under SR 458 in room 36 |
CH05SR_461 | Positive | Brown earth packing in SE end of room 32 |
CH05SR_507 | Positive | Fill of the pit in courtyard ( NW side ) |
CH05SR_575 | Positive | Layer of soft grayish soil in East and South part of room 37 |
ATR | |
CH06SR_606 | Positive | Compact clayish surface in NW part of room 38 |
CH06SR_762 | Positive | Fill of wall trench (wall 265 and 50), NE courtyard |
CH06SR_764 | Positive | Compact brown soil in east wing of room 31 |
CH06SR_768 | Positive | Very compact soil in W corner of SE part of room 38 |
CH06SR_772 | Positive | Compact yellowish brown soil in N courtyard |
CH06SR_833 | Negative | Cut for a pit in S corner of E wing, Room 31 |
CH06SR_872 | Positive | Surface below 0842 |
CH06SR_907 | Positive | Western part of central area, church, light brown compact surface |