Context | Context Type | Definition | Excavator | Verified by | Options |
CH04SR_339 | Positive | collapse in room 29 |
ATR | |
CH04SR_342 | Positive | fill of pit in room 29 |
ATR | |
CH04SR_344 | Positive | fill of disturbance/pit in East Corner of room 29 |
ATR | |
CH04SR_360 | Positive | fill of infant burial cut in room 28 |
ATR | |
CH04SR_364 | Positive | Compacted earth floor in room 29 |
CH04SR_367 | Positive | Compacted earth surface in room 31 |
ATR | |
CH04SR_437 | Wall | wide late NW-SE wall running through room 37 (former NW end of yard 1) |
ATR | |
CH04SR_438 | Positive | Layer of ash and charcoal under 410 in room 33 |
CH04SR_448 | Positive | Very dark grayish brown "packing" |
CH04SR_454 | Positive | Bedding layer beneath the floors in room 29 |
CH04SR_468 | Positive | Grayish clayey soil under SR 458 in room 36 |
CH04SR_469 | Positive | Fill of pit in room 36 |
CH05SR_504 | Positive | Mixed modern fill in the Main street |
CH05SR_530 | Positive | Dark ashy soil in NE section of courtyard |
CH05SR_576 | Positive | Circular ashy patch in W part of excavated area of courtyard |
CH05SR_593 | Positive | Tile fill in bottom layer of pit in N courtyard |
CH05SR_594 | Positive | Greyish brown soil with green inclusions in S courtyard + extension |
CH05SR_625 | Positive | Fill of trench for wall 265 foundation, SE part of room 37 |
ATR | |
CH05SR_679 | Positive | Fill of brown loose soil with human bones in room 30 |
ATR | |
CH05SR_700 | Positive | Fill of cut 699 in center of larger cut in N corner of room 30 |
ATR | |
CH06SR_768 | Positive | Very compact soil in W corner of SE part of room 38 |
CH06SR_797 | Positive | Surface three of the Stenopos |
ATR | |
CH06SR_805 | Positive | Courtyard, small lens of plaster and charcoal adjacent to wall 265 |
CH06SR_884 | Positive | Fine ashy brown soil in central area 3, courtyard |