Context | Context Type | Definition | Excavator | Verified by | Options |
CH04SR_340 | Positive | Compacted gray green ashy layer covering most of room 28 sloping sw-ne |
ATR | |
CH04SR_343 | Negative | pit/disturbance in room 29 (center) |
ATR | |
CH04SR_347 | Positive | layer of yellow soil mounded in small doorway of room 28 |
ATR | |
CH04SR_349 | Positive | loose gray/green rubble with bone in room 28 over SR340 |
ATR | |
CH04SR_351 | Positive | lower layer of tile collapse and ash in room 29 |
ATR | |
CH04SR_374 | Positive | loose collapse in room 35 |
ATR | |
CH04SR_419 | Positive | Upper layer of fill of well/cistern (?) in alley to room 30 |
CH04SR_434 | Positive | Tile collapse in street NE of building |
CH04SR_437 | Wall | wide late NW-SE wall running through room 37 (former NW end of yard 1) |
ATR | |
CH04SR_440 | Positive | Fill in a pit/posthole in NE part of room 35 |
CH04SR_445 | Negative | Cut in bedrock in SW part of room 35 |
CH04SR_483 | Negative | Two cuts in bedrock in SW part of room 29 |
CH04SR_492 | Negative | Cut/posthole on the NW side of room 29 |
CH05SR_507 | Positive | Fill of the pit in courtyard ( NW side ) |
CH05SR_511 | Positive | Fill of the well in NW side of courtyard |
CH05SR_517 | Positive | Stone collapse without earth in the well in NW side of the courtyard |
CH05SR_538 | Positive | Orangish-brown soil in Courtyard |
CH05SR_591 | Positive | Layer of burning in SW part of room 37 |
ATR | |
CH05SR_607 | Wall | Wall in NW part of Room 37 |
ATR | |
CH05SR_648 | Positive | Compact orangish soil with inclusions in NE part of room 30, under area of hearth |
ATR | |
CH05SR_652 | Positive | Stone collapse in NE part of room 37 |
ATR | |
CH05SR_687 | Negative | Cut for pit in N part of room 37 (with cuttings). |
ATR | |
CH05SR_693 | Wall | Wall on ground in SE side of room 37 |
ATR | |
CH05SR_738 | Negative | Cut for a pit in E corner behind the wall 693 in the courtyard |
CH06SR_668 | Positive | Compact grayish brown layer of pit 601 |
CH06SR_746 | Positive | Dark brown loose soil in E corner of room 38 |
CH06SR_758 | Positive | Brown clayey layer between well and previously excavated trench, NW courtyard |
CH06SR_768 | Positive | Very compact soil in W corner of SE part of room 38 |
CH06SR_772 | Positive | Compact yellowish brown soil in N courtyard |
CH06SR_775 | Positive | Disintegrated bedrock with inclusion of ceramic in W part of east wing of room 31 |
CH06SR_806 | Negative | Cut for a ceramic vessel (special find number 3643), room 31 |
CH06SR_825 | Positive | Ashy layer in E corner of E wing, room 31 |
CH06SR_832 | Positive | Fill of a pit in S corner of East wing, Room 31 |
CH06SR_833 | Negative | Cut for a pit in S corner of E wing, Room 31 |
CH06SR_876 | Positive | Fine ashy gray patch in NW area 3 in courtyard |
CH06SR_940 | Positive | Thin layer of burnt soil and ash under stairs in room 38 |