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CH01PA_111 Positive Silos
  • Not Recorded
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CH01PA_112 Positive Strato di Riempimento del Silos USCHPA111
  • Not Recorded
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CH04SR_427 Positive Second layer of fill in hole/pit in room 34 (Yard 2)
  • SW
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CH04SR_428 Negative Soak-away (?) pit in room 34/yard 2
  • ATR
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CH04SR_461 Positive Brown earth/packing NW end room 32
  • SW
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CH04SR_472 Positive Light brown/brown clayey layer in NE part of room 32
  • SM
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CH05SR_461 Positive Brown earth packing in SE end of room 32
  • NK
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CH05SR_562 Positive Orangish compact fill N courtyard
  • SM
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CH05SR_567 Positive Rough stone construction in SE section of room 33 parallel to wall 298
  • GK
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CH05SR_578 Positive Compact grayish brown clayey soil in W courtyard
  • SM
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CH05SR_591 Positive Layer of burning in SW part of room 37
  • DVD
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CH05SR_605 Positive Mottled clay above bedrock in N courtyard
  • SM
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CH05SR_636 Positive Hard pack floor in room 33, below 519
  • NK
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CH05SR_647 Positive Brown soil mottled with ash in N corner of room 33 filling cut 653
  • NK
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CH05SR_651 Positive Fill of loose brown soil (in cut 650), room 38
  • IG
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CH05SR_657 Positive Soil from doorway in room 33
  • NK
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CH05SR_661 Wall Possible wall structure (by wall 281) in SW part of room 33
  • NK
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CH05SR_672 Positive Lower floor surface, below 636
  • NK
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CH05SR_676 Positive Brown fill between NW wall 542 and context 682, courtyard
  • SM
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CH05SR_693 Wall Wall on ground in SE side of room 37
  • DVD
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CH05SR_695 Positive Hearth 1 on surface 672
  • NK
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CH05SR_696 Positive Hearth 2 on surface 672
  • NK
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CH05SR_731 Negative Cut in the bedrock in room 33 forming possible dark age house.
  • NK
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CH05SR_736 Negative Cut in the ground for a well in W courtyard
  • DVD
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CH06SR_617 Positive Compact white layer in N corner of W wing of rm 31
  • DVD
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Total Pages:  3 Total Results:  75
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