Context | Context Type | Definition | Excavator | Verified by | Options |
CH04SR_336 | Positive | Uppermost layer of collapse in room 28 |
ATR | |
CH04SR_338 | Positive | collapse in room 32 |
ATR | |
CH04SR_339 | Positive | collapse in room 29 |
ATR | |
CH04SR_340 | Positive | Compacted gray green ashy layer covering most of room 28 sloping sw-ne |
ATR | |
CH04SR_344 | Positive | fill of disturbance/pit in East Corner of room 29 |
ATR | |
CH04SR_349 | Positive | loose gray/green rubble with bone in room 28 over SR340 |
ATR | |
CH04SR_358 | Positive | Collapse in room 30 |
ATR | |
CH04SR_360 | Positive | fill of infant burial cut in room 28 |
ATR | |
CH04SR_372 | Positive | Relatively loose brown soil forming matrix for large stones in room 36 |
CH04SR_375 | Positive | collapse in room 33 |
CH04SR_378 | Positive | Layer of occupation under tile Room 30 |
ATR | |
CH04SR_380 | Positive | layer of collapse in room 33 under 337 |
CH04SR_386 | Positive | Bottom layer (Green Grey) of Collapse in Rm 31a (with charcoal inclusions) |
CH04SR_392 | Positive | Layer of collapse along SW wall and in S and W corners of room 33 |
CH04SR_411 | Positive | Layer of collapse in courtyard 1 |
ATR | |
CH04SR_426 | Positive | Layer of tile collapse in NW area of courtyard 1 |
ATR | |
CH04SR_431 | Positive | Fill of pit in room 37 |
ATR | |
CH04SR_441 | Positive | Compact fill in west part of pit (SR431) |
ATR | |
CH04SR_461 | Positive | Brown earth/packing NW end room 32 |
CH04SR_464 | Positive | Layer of very solid soil in center of room 29 |
CH05SR_434 | Positive | Tile collapse in street NE of buildings |
ATR | |
CH05SR_451 | Positive | Floor of room 33 |
CH05SR_507 | Positive | Fill of the pit in courtyard ( NW side ) |
CH05SR_509 | Positive | Latest surface of courtyard |
CH05SR_525 | Positive | Large area of black ashy soil in center of courtyard |
CH05SR_538 | Positive | Orangish-brown soil in Courtyard |
CH05SR_552 | Positive | Fill of the Tomb 5 |
CH05SR_570 | Positive | Dark brown soil along north wall in courtyard |
CH05SR_575 | Positive | Layer of soft grayish soil in East and South part of room 37 |
ATR | |
CH05SR_596 | Positive | Layer of grayish brown soil in NW part of room 37 |
ATR | |
CH05SR_603 | Positive | Floor surface in Room 30 |
ATR | |
CH05SR_610 | Positive | Compact soil surface in SE part of room 38 |
CH05SR_616 | Positive | Compact soil with ceramic inclusions in the E wing of room 31 |
CH05SR_619 | Positive | Floor level in NW part of room 37 behind the wall 607 |
ATR | |
CH05SR_645 | Positive | Fill of compact brown soil with inclusion and burnt material in pit 601 in room 38 |
CH06SR_405 | Positive | Surface on bedrock in room 31a |
CH06SR_488 | Positive | Stenopos - 1st surface |
ATR | |
CH06SR_752 | Positive | Fill in north courtyard close to corner made by walls 265 and 693 |
CH06SR_753 | Positive | Brown soil with inclusions in SE part of room 38 |
CH06SR_757 | Positive | Loose brown soil in NW courtyard |
CH06SR_759 | Positive | Yellow-Orangish brown layer across N courtyard, Area 2 and into Area 3 |
CH06SR_764 | Positive | Compact brown soil in east wing of room 31 |
CH06SR_778 | Positive | Stenopos - fill of 779 |
ATR | |
CH06SR_798 | Positive | Gray brown soil in center of a church |
ATR | |
CH06SR_809 | Positive | Light brown very compact soil mixed with mortar, west wing of room 31 |
CH06SR_827 | Positive | Compact brown soil with charcoal and lime inclusions in NE part of room 38 |
CH06SR_828 | Positive | Layer of brown soil with inclusions, West wing, room 31 |
CH06SR_833 | Negative | Cut for a pit in S corner of E wing, Room 31 |
CH06SR_840 | Positive | Compact brown soil with charcoal and lime inclusions NE part of room 38 |
CH06SR_879 | Positive | Compact brown fill layer in NW part of room 38 |
CH06SR_884 | Positive | Fine ashy brown soil in central area 3, courtyard |
CH06SR_914 | Positive | Yellowish brown layer in SE area 3, courtyard |