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CH02PA_257 Wall Wall of room 38 along the stenopos
  • MLI
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CH04SR_263 Wall blocking of door between rooms 38 and 31
  • SW
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CH05SR_263 Wall Blocking of door between rooms 38 and 31
  • ATR
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CH05SR_512 Positive Layer of collapse in room 38
  • GK
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CH05SR_521 Wall Dry stone masonry wall of room 38 - NW wall
  • GK
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CH05SR_535 Positive Collapse in Room 38
  • IG
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CH05SR_536 Wall Stairs-wall in W corner of Room 38
  • IG
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CH05SR_537 Positive Clay in South corner of Room 38
  • IG
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CH05SR_559 Wall Rough stone construction, possible stairs support along NW wall of rom 38
  • IG
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CH05SR_569 Positive Layer of tiles collapse in room 38
  • IG
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CH05SR_580 Positive Layer of tiles and articulated vessels in room 38
  • IG
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CH05SR_595 Positive Concentration of pebbles and tiles next to N corner of room 38
  • IG
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CH05SR_599 Negative Cut of northern post hole in room 38
  • IG
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CH05SR_600 Negative Cut of southern post hole in room 38
  • IG
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CH05SR_601 Negative Cut of pit in Western side of room 38
  • IG
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CH05SR_602 Positive Bottom surface/ beaten earth in the pit 601 in room 38
  • IG
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CH05SR_604 Negative Cut of a channel around pit 601 in room 38
  • IG
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CH05SR_606 Positive Compact clayish surface in NW part of room 38
  • IG
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CH05SR_608 Negative Cut in north corner of room 38
  • IG
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CH05SR_609 Positive Fill of cut in North corner (608)
  • IG
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CH05SR_610 Positive Compact soil surface in SE part of room 38
  • IG
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CH05SR_613 Negative Cut for post hole next to N corner of room 38
  • IG
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CH05SR_621 Positive Dark brownish loose soil in pit 601, NW side of room 38
  • IG
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CH05SR_622 Positive Soil with inclusions of eroded bedrock in pit 601, NW side of room 38
  • IG
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CH05SR_629 Positive Fill of organic brown soil in SW part of pit 610, NW part of room 38
  • DVD
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CH05SR_645 Positive Fill of compact brown soil with inclusion and burnt material in pit 601 in room 38
  • IG
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CH05SR_649 Positive Compact light brown layer mixed with stones in SE part of room 38
  • IG
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CH05SR_650 Negative Cut along bedrock in the middle of room 38
  • IG
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CH05SR_651 Positive Fill of loose brown soil (in cut 650), room 38
  • IG
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CH05SR_659 Wall Rectangular stone surrounded with smaller ones in SE part of room 38
  • IG
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CH05SR_668 Positive Compact grayish brown layer of pit 601
  • IG
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CH05SR_711 Positive Pile of stones in N corner of SE part of room 38
  • IG
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CH05SR_712 Positive Layer of loose brown soil with stones in SE part of room 38
  • IG
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CH05SR_728 Negative Squared cut in the bedrock in the E side of the room 38.
  • IG
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CH05SR_729 Negative Semicircular cut in the bed rock in S corner of the room 38.
  • IG
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CH05SR_730 Positive Filling of 729 in room 38.
  • IG
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CH05SR_732 Wall reinforcement of the wall 264 in room 38
  • IG
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CH05SR_743 Wall Threshold of door into room 38 from stenopos
  • ATR
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CH05SR_744 Wall Blocking of door between room 38 and room 31
  • ATR
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CH06SR_521 Wall Dry stone masonry wall of room 38 - NW wall
  • GK
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CH06SR_536 Wall Stairs-wall in W corner of room 38
  • LKC
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CH06SR_569 Positive Layer of tiles collapse in room 38
  • LKC
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CH06SR_601 Negative Cut of pit in western side of room 38
  • LKC
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CH06SR_606 Positive Compact clayish surface in NW part of room 38
  • LKC
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CH06SR_668 Positive Compact grayish brown layer of pit 601
  • LKC
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CH06SR_712 Positive Layer of loose brown soil with stones in SE part of room 38
  • LKC
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CH06SR_728 Negative Squared cut in bedrock in the E side of room 38
  • LKC
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CH06SR_729 Negative Semicircular cut in the bedrock in S corner of room 38
  • LKC
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CH06SR_746 Positive Dark brown loose soil in E corner of room 38
  • LKC
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CH06SR_753 Positive Brown soil with inclusions in SE part of room 38
  • LKC
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CH06SR_754 Positive Light gray ashy soil with stones in SE part of room 38
  • LKC
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CH06SR_768 Positive Very compact soil in W corner of SE part of room 38
  • LKC
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CH06SR_780 Positive Fill of semicircular cut in bedrock in S corner of room 38
  • LKC
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CH06SR_781 Positive Brown loose soil in cut 901 and under wall 264, room 38
  • LKC
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CH06SR_784 Positive Compact clayish soil above bedrock in E corner of room 38
  • LKC
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CH06SR_785 Positive Brown compact soil in center of SE part of room 38
  • LKC
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CH06SR_790 Positive Brown soil in semicircular cuts 0729 and 0901 in room 38
  • LKC
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CH06SR_808 Positive Ashy layer in west corner of SE part of room 38
  • LKC
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CH06SR_810 Positive Brown loose soil with high concentration of metallurgical byproduct in NW part of room 38
  • LKC
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CH06SR_819 Positive Thin brown layer above bedrock, SE part of 38
  • LKC
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CH06SR_820 Wall Stone slabs in room 38
  • LKC
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CH06SR_821 Positive Muddy layer between and under stone slabs in room 38
  • LKC
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CH06SR_826 Positive Layer of yellow clay in SE part of room 38
  • LKC
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CH06SR_827 Positive Compact brown soil with charcoal and lime inclusions in NE part of room 38
  • LKC
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CH06SR_831 Positive Layer of loose yellow metallurgical byproduct (?), Room 38, NE Section
  • LKC
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CH06SR_838 Positive Layer of yellow compact soil in S corner of NW part of room 38
  • LKC
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CH06SR_839 Positive Gray ashy soil between bedrock and cut 0601 in NW part of room 38
  • LKC
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CH06SR_840 Positive Compact brown soil with charcoal and lime inclusions NE part of room 38
  • LKC
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CH06SR_847 Positive Compact brown soil in the far W side of cut 900, Room 38
  • LKC
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CH06SR_857 Positive Compact dark brown soil in north corner of SE part of room 38
  • LKC
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CH06SR_863 Positive Loose brown soil in cut 0864, NE part of room 38
  • LKC
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CH06SR_864 Negative Cut for fill 0863 - cut in bedrock in NE part of room 38
  • LKC
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CH06SR_868 Positive Compact brown fill layer of pit 0601 in NW part of room 38
  • LKC
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CH06SR_871 Positive Clay layer beneath stone slabs (0820) in SE part of room 38
  • LKC
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CH06SR_873 Positive Stone slabs below 0820
  • LKC
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CH06SR_874 Negative Elipsoidal cut in bedrock in SE part of room 38
  • LKC
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CH06SR_875 Positive Circular construction of stones and tiles in 0874, SE part of room 38
  • LKC
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CH06SR_879 Positive Compact brown fill layer in NW part of room 38
  • LKC
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CH06SR_890 Positive Compact brown soil in cut 0901, room 38
  • LKC
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CH06SR_895 Positive Layer of compact brown fill in cut 0901, room 38
  • LKC
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CH06SR_900 Negative Cut in bedrock in NW part of room 38
  • LKC
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CH06SR_901 Negative Semicircular cut in bedrock below wall 264, room 38
  • LKC
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CH06SR_906 Positive Compact clay fill in Western part of the cut 0900, Room 38
  • LKC
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CH06SR_908 Positive Compact clay fill in extreme west area in cut 0900
  • LKC
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CH06SR_909 Negative Cut in middle of cut 0900, room 38
  • LKC
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CH06SR_910 Positive Compact brown surface with lime and charcoal inclusions, NW part of room 38
  • LKC
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CH06SR_921 Positive Compact brown surface above bedrock and vertical layer in center of cut 0900, room 38
  • LKC
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CH06SR_940 Positive Thin layer of burnt soil and ash under stairs in room 38
  • ATR
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Total Results:  88
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