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Context Context Type Definition Excavator Verified by Options
CH01PA_106 Wall Muro con andamento N\W - S\E
  • Not Recorded
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CH01PA_109 Wall Soglia tra i Muri USCHPA32 e USCHPA155
  • Not Recorded
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CH01PA_110 Positive Piano Calpestio a N della Chiesa
  • Not Recorded
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CH01PA_111 Positive Silos
  • Not Recorded
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CH01PA_112 Positive Strato di Riempimento del Silos USCHPA111
  • Not Recorded
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CH01PA_146 Negative Taglio fossa di fondazione USCHPA31
  • Not Recorded
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CH01PA_147 Positive Riempimento della fossa di fondazione USCHPA146
  • Not Recorded
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CH01PA_30 Wall Muro con andamento S\W - N\E
  • Not Recorded
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CH01PA_40 Positive Strato di crollo di struttura
  • Not Recorded
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CH01PA_41 Positive Strato di Crollo
  • Not Recorded
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CH01PA_48 Positive Strato di Crollo nell'area N della chiesa
  • Not Recorded
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CH01PA_50 Wall Muro con andamento N\W - S\E delimita ad E il Vano 25
  • Not Recorded
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CH01PA_79 Positive Strato di terreno polveroso
  • Not Recorded
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CH01PA_80 Negative Taglio Buca Terragna in USCHPA79-USCHPA110
  • Not Recorded
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CH01PA_81 Positive Riempimento Buca USCHPA80
  • Not Recorded
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CH01PA_84 Positive Crollo di materiali lapidei dai muri USCHPA31 e USCHPA32
  • Not Recorded
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CH01PA_92 Positive Crollo di Materiali lapidei e laterizi
  • Not Recorded
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CH02PA_171 Negative Cut for a modern trench
  • Not Recorded
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CH02PA_172 Positive Fill of modern trench 171
  • Not Recorded
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CH02PA_173 Negative Cut for modern trench
  • Not Recorded
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CH02PA_174 Positive Fill of modern trench 173
  • Not Recorded
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CH02PA_185 Positive Collapse in courtyard over final use surface
  • Not Recorded
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CH02PA_205 Negative Circular cut to S of modern trench in courtyard
  • MLI
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CH02PA_206 Positive Fill of cut 205 in courtyard
  • Not Recorded
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CH04SR_411 Positive Layer of collapse in courtyard 1
  • SM
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CH04SR_426 Positive Layer of tile collapse in NW area of courtyard 1
  • SM
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CH04SR_430 Negative Cut of pit in room 37
  • CS
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CH04SR_431 Positive Fill of pit in room 37
  • CS
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CH04SR_437 Wall wide late NW-SE wall running through room 37 (former NW end of yard 1)
  • SM
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CH04SR_441 Positive Compact fill in west part of pit (SR431)
  • SM
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CH04SR_442 Positive Compact light brown fill in east part of pit (SR431)
  • SM
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CH04SR_447 Positive Bottom of fill in pit in room 37 and between paving slabs
  • DVD
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CH05SR_430 Negative Cut for pit in room 37
  • ATR
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CH05SR_507 Positive Fill of the pit in courtyard ( NW side )
  • SM
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CH05SR_509 Positive Latest surface of courtyard
  • SM
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CH05SR_511 Positive Fill of the well in NW side of courtyard
  • DVD
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CH05SR_517 Positive Stone collapse without earth in the well in NW side of the courtyard
  • DVD
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CH05SR_520 Positive Fill of stones with grayish-brown wet soil in the well
  • DVD
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CH05SR_522 Positive Black ashy soil in south section of courtyard
  • SM
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CH05SR_523 Negative Cistern/Well in NW side of church courtyard.
  • DVD
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CH05SR_524 Positive Black ashy soil in west section of courtyard
  • SM
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CH05SR_525 Positive Large area of black ashy soil in center of courtyard
  • SM
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CH05SR_526 Positive Reddish soil SE of Context 525 in courtyard
  • SM
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CH05SR_527 Positive Black ashy soil in east section of courtyard
  • SM
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CH05SR_530 Positive Dark ashy soil in NE section of courtyard
  • SM
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CH05SR_532 Positive Stone positioned by the door between courtyard and room 32
  • SM
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CH05SR_538 Positive Orangish-brown soil in Courtyard
  • SM
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CH05SR_541 Positive Black ashy soil in western section courtyard
  • SM
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CH05SR_544 Negative Cut filled by context 522 in south section of courtyard
  • SM
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CH05SR_545 Negative Cut of context 524 in west section of courtyard
  • SM
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CH05SR_546 Negative Cut of context 525 in center of courtyard
  • SM
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CH05SR_547 Negative Cut of context 526 in courtyard
  • SM
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CH05SR_548 Negative Cut of context 527 in east section of courtyard
  • SM
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CH05SR_549 Negative Cut filled by context 530 in NE section of courtyard
  • SM
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CH05SR_550 Positive Loose brown soil in courtyard
  • SM
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CH05SR_553 Negative Cut for fill of context 541 in western courtyard
  • SM
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CH05SR_562 Positive Orangish compact fill N courtyard
  • SM
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CH05SR_563 Positive Dark brown fill North of context 525 in courtyard
  • SM
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CH05SR_564 Positive Loose brown fill in S courtyard
  • SM
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CH05SR_565 Positive Layer of clay in cistern (4.60m from the beginning of the well)
  • DVD
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CH05SR_570 Positive Dark brown soil along north wall in courtyard
  • SM
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CH05SR_573 Positive Fill of hole in SW wall of Tomb 5 where part of stone is missing
  • ATR
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CH05SR_574 Negative Cut for fill of 570 along North wall in courtyard
  • SM
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CH05SR_575 Positive Layer of soft grayish soil in East and South part of room 37
  • DVD
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CH05SR_576 Positive Circular ashy patch in W part of excavated area of courtyard
  • SM
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CH05SR_577 Positive Loose brown soil with medium size stones in W courtyard
  • SM
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CH05SR_578 Positive Compact grayish brown clayey soil in W courtyard
  • SM
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CH05SR_587 Positive Black soil/fill of a pit underneath context 576 in W courtyard
  • SM
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CH05SR_588 Negative Cut of contexts 576 and 587 in western section of courtyard
  • SM
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CH05SR_590 Negative Cut for fill of context 564 in S courtyard
  • SM
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CH05SR_591 Positive Layer of burning in SW part of room 37
  • DVD
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CH05SR_592 Positive Ashy layer in NE part of room 37
  • DVD
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CH05SR_593 Positive Tile fill in bottom layer of pit in N courtyard
  • SM
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CH05SR_594 Positive Greyish brown soil with green inclusions in S courtyard + extension
  • SM
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CH05SR_596 Positive Layer of grayish brown soil in NW part of room 37
  • DVD
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CH05SR_598 Negative Cut of contexts 593 and 562 in N courtyard
  • SM
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CH05SR_605 Positive Mottled clay above bedrock in N courtyard
  • SM
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CH05SR_607 Wall Wall in NW part of Room 37
  • DVD
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CH05SR_619 Positive Floor level in NW part of room 37 behind the wall 607
  • DVD
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CH05SR_620 Positive Floor 2 in room 37 in SW part of room 37, under 591
  • DVD
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CH05SR_623 Positive Fill of pit in NW courtyard
  • SM
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CH05SR_624 Negative Cut of pit 623, NW courtyard
  • SM
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CH05SR_625 Positive Fill of trench for wall 265 foundation, SE part of room 37
  • DVD
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CH05SR_626 Negative Cut of trench for wall 265 foundation, SE part of room 37
  • DVD
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CH05SR_627 Positive Fill of trench for wall 499 foundation, NW part of room 37
  • DVD
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CH05SR_628 Negative Cut of trench for wall 499 foundation, NE part of room 37
  • DVD
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CH05SR_637 Wall Clay construction covered with ash and burnt material in S corner of room 37
  • NK
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CH05SR_638 Positive Fill of clay construction in S corner of room 37
  • DVD
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CH05SR_639 Positive Floor 3 in room 37
  • DVD
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CH05SR_642 Positive Black ashy layer/ lens in courtyard extension
  • SM
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CH05SR_652 Positive Stone collapse in NE part of room 37
  • DVD
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CH05SR_655 Positive Layer of clay in SW part of room 37
  • DVD
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CH05SR_656 Positive Layer under stone collapse in NE part of room 37
  • DVD
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CH05SR_660 Positive Surface above slabs in room 37
  • DVD
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CH05SR_666 Wall Stone slabs (pavement) in room 37
  • GK
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CH05SR_669 Positive Brown soil in pit next to tomb 4, courtyard extension
  • SM
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CH05SR_670 Negative Cut for the fill 669 - courtyard extension
  • SM
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CH05SR_671 Wall Amorphous structure of medium sized stones near tomb 4, courtyard extension
  • SM
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CH05SR_673 Positive Heavily motted clayey layer in S courtyard + courtyard extention
  • SM
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CH05SR_676 Positive Brown fill between NW wall 542 and context 682, courtyard
  • SM
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CH05SR_682 Wall Wall parallel and North of West wall of con.no. 542, courtyard
  • SM
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CH05SR_684 Positive Fill of pit/cut in bedrock in E corner of room 37
  • DVD
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CH05SR_685 Negative Cut in bedrock in NE corner of room 37
  • DVD
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CH05SR_686 Positive Fill of pit in NE part of room 37.
  • DVD
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CH05SR_687 Negative Cut for pit in N part of room 37 (with cuttings).
  • DVD
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CH05SR_688 Positive Fill of pit in N corner of room 37 behind the wall
  • DVD
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CH05SR_689 Negative Cut for pit in N corner of room 37 behind the wall
  • DVD
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CH05SR_690 Positive Fill of pit in W corner of room 37
  • DVD
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CH05SR_691 Negative Cut for pit in W corner of room 37 behind the wall 607.
  • DVD
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CH05SR_692 Wall Wall on bedding layer upon slabs/bedrock in SE side of room 37
  • DVD
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CH05SR_693 Wall Wall on ground in SE side of room 37
  • DVD
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CH05SR_701 Positive Soft brown layer in courtyard by S part of wall 692
  • DVD
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CH05SR_702 Positive Soft yellowish brown soil in courtyard by SE part of wall 692
  • DVD
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CH05SR_703 Positive Very soft dark brown soil in courtyard in the corner made by walls 265 and 693
  • DVD
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CH05SR_715 Positive Yellowish clayey soil in NW courtyard by walls 692 and 693
  • DVD
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CH05SR_716 Positive Bedding layer below context 666
  • DVD
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CH05SR_719 Wall Stone slabs bounded by wall 682
  • GK
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CH05SR_722 Wall Rubble wall remains (?) by Tomb 3
  • SM
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CH05SR_723 Negative Cut for fill of context 563 in central courtyard
  • SM
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CH05SR_736 Negative Cut in the ground for a well in W courtyard
  • DVD
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CH05SR_738 Negative Cut for a pit in E corner behind the wall 693 in the courtyard
  • DVD
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CH06SR_509 Positive Latest surface of courtyard
  • SM
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CH06SR_666 Wall Stone slabs (pavement)
  • SM
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CH06SR_692 Wall Wall on bedding layer upon slabs/bedrock in SE side of room 37
  • SM
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CH06SR_702 Positive Soft yellowish-brown soil in courtyard by SE part of wall 692
  • SM
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CH06SR_703 Negative Soft fill at bottom of modern trench in N end of courtyard
  • ATR
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CH06SR_752 Positive Fill in north courtyard close to corner made by walls 265 and 693
  • SM
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CH06SR_755 Positive Loose ashy dark brown soil in NW courtyard
  • SM
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CH06SR_757 Positive Loose brown soil in NW courtyard
  • SM
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CH06SR_758 Positive Brown clayey layer between well and previously excavated trench, NW courtyard
  • SM
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CH06SR_759 Positive Yellow-Orangish brown layer across N courtyard, Area 2 and into Area 3
  • SM
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CH06SR_762 Positive Fill of wall trench (wall 265 and 50), NE courtyard
  • SM
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CH06SR_763 Negative Cut for wall trench (wall 265 and 50), courtyard
  • SM
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CH06SR_770 Positive Fill of pit in NE courtyard
  • SM
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CH06SR_771 Negative Cut for pit in NE courtyard
  • SM
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CH06SR_772 Positive Compact yellowish brown soil in N courtyard
  • SM
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CH06SR_773 Wall Large slab running under wall 692, courtyard
  • SM
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CH06SR_774 Positive Grayish brown soil in NW courtyard
  • SM
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CH06SR_782 Positive Soft brown loam in NW courtyard
  • SM
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CH06SR_783 Positive Soft brown loam over bedrock adjacent to wall 0692 in NW courtyard
  • SM
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CH06SR_788 Positive Compact orange layer in NW courtyard
  • SM
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CH06SR_804 Positive Courtyard, loose brown fill for walls 50 and 265 trench
  • SM
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CH06SR_805 Positive Courtyard, small lens of plaster and charcoal adjacent to wall 265
  • SM
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CH06SR_813 Positive Loose brown fine soil above bedrock in NW courtyard
  • SM
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CH06SR_815 Negative Cut for the fill of context 0804, courtyard
  • SM
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CH06SR_816 Positive Fill of pit in S courtyard corner of wall 296 and section 2
  • SM
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CH06SR_817 Negative Cut for context 0816 in S courtyard
  • SM
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CH06SR_822 Negative Cut for a pit NW of pit 0816, courtyard
  • SM
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CH06SR_823 Positive Fill of pit 0822, courtyard
  • SM
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CH06SR_830 Positive Layer above bedrock in wall trench of NE courtyard
  • SM
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CH06SR_834 Negative Cut for bioturbation in NW courtyard
  • SM
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CH06SR_837 Positive Courtyard, trench with stones and clayey soil
  • SM
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CH06SR_841 Negative Cut for the fill of trench 0837 in courtyard
  • SM
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CH06SR_845 Positive Brown soil-fill of cut 0846, Courtyard near section 2
  • SM
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CH06SR_846 Negative Cut in yellowish bedrock for fill of 0845, courtyard near section 2
  • SM
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CH06SR_848 Positive Courtyard, compact red clayish soil near foundation trench at junction of walls 50 and 265
  • SM
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CH06SR_850 Positive Compact brown fill with rubble above eroded bedrock in Section 2 of Courtyard
  • SM
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CH06SR_851 Negative Cut for fill of context 0850, courtyard in Area 2 and 3
  • SM
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CH06SR_853 Positive Fine brown soil in courtyard between the well and foundation trench
  • SM
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CH06SR_854 Negative Cut for fill 0853 in courtyard, Area 2
  • SM
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CH06SR_855 Positive Compact grayish brown soil fill of 0856, courtyard near section 2
  • SM
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CH06SR_856 Negative Cut for fill of 0855 in courtyard near section 2
  • SM
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CH06SR_858 Positive Sandy light tan soil in SE area 3 of courtyard
  • SM
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CH06SR_859 Positive Fill of pit under foundation trench in courtyard near junction of walls 50 and 265
  • SM
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CH06SR_860 Negative Cut for fill of 0859, courtyard
  • SM
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CH06SR_861 Positive Fill of pit between slabs and robbers trench 0837 in area 2 of courtyard
  • SM
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CH06SR_862 Negative Cut for the fill 0861 in area 2 of courtyard
  • SM
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CH06SR_865 Positive Fill of square pit south of 0860 in area 2, courtyard
  • SM
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CH06SR_866 Negative Cut for the fill of 0865 in area 2, courtyard
  • SM
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CH06SR_869 Positive Fill of Pit in corner of walls 265 and 692, in north courtyard Area 1
  • SM
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CH06SR_870 Negative Cut for the fill of 0869
  • SM
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CH06SR_876 Positive Fine ashy gray patch in NW area 3 in courtyard
  • SM
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CH06SR_877 Positive Ashy black soil in N Area 3 in courtyard
  • SM
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CH06SR_882 Positive Light gray ashy layer near wall course/hearth in area 3 courtyard
  • SM
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CH06SR_883 Positive Light brown gravely layer between cistern and wall course in area 3, courtyard
  • SM
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CH06SR_884 Positive Fine ashy brown soil in central area 3, courtyard
  • SM
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CH06SR_885 Positive Grayish brown gravely layer in SE area 3, courtyard
  • SM
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CH06SR_886 Positive Dark brown soil parallel and adjacent to wall 296 area 3, courtyard
  • SM
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CH06SR_896 Positive Loose dark brown ashy fill in SE area 3, courtyard
  • SM
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CH06SR_897 Negative Cut filled by 0877 and 0884 in central area 3, courtyard
  • SM
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CH06SR_899 Positive Brown soil with rubble and many artifacts on E edge of area 3, courtyard
  • SM
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CH06SR_904 Negative Cut for the fill 0899, West edge of Area 3 Courtyard
  • SM
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CH06SR_905 Negative Cut for the fill 0896, SE area 3 Courtyard
  • SM
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CH06SR_912 Positive Fill of a large pit in central and west part of area 3, courtyard
  • SM
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CH06SR_913 Negative Cut for a large pit in west part of area 3, courtyard
  • SM
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CH06SR_914 Positive Yellowish brown layer in SE area 3, courtyard
  • SM
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CH06SR_915 Positive Tile collapse near wall 296, area 3, courtyard
  • SM
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CH06SR_916 Wall Wall in north part of Area 3, courtyard
  • SM
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CH06SR_917 Positive Ashy layer in pit 0913
  • SM
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CH06SR_918 Positive Brown layer in bottom of cut of pit 0913
  • SM
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CH06SR_922 Wall Wall course associated with hearth c.n. 0882, area 3, courtyard
  • SM
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CH06SR_925 Positive Fill of small pit in bedrock, south area 3, courtyard
  • SM
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CH06SR_926 Negative Cut for the fill 0925, south area 3, courtyard
  • SM
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CH06SR_927 Positive Fill of a pit between cistern and wall course 0922, Area 3, courtyard
  • SM
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CH06SR_928 Negative Cut for the fill 0927, Area 3 Courtyard
  • SM
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CH06SR_929 Positive Rocky layer with brown soil matrix, NW of cistern, Area 3 Courtyard
  • SM
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CH06SR_930 Positive Fill of circular pit connected to cut 913 in central Area 3, Courtyard
  • SM
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CH06SR_931 Negative Cut for the fill 0930, central area 3, courtyard
  • SM
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CH06SR_932 Wall Remains of wall structure with mortar by wall 0296, area 3, courtyard
  • SM
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CH06SR_933 Positive Pebbley brown soil below c.n. 0929, area 3, courtyard
  • SM
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CH06SR_934 Wall Construction of stone and mortar in cut 0913, Central Area 3, Courtyard
  • SM
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CH06SR_935 Positive Mud bricks above bedrock in area 3, courtyard
  • SM
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CH06SR_942 Negative Possible foundation trench for early wall near cistern in courtyard
  • ATR
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CH06SR_943 Negative Cut for foundation trench for wall 296
  • ATR
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Total Results:  204
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