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Context Context Type Definition Excavator Verified by Options
CH04SR_281 Wall dry stone wall , destroyed in centre, between rm 33 and 36
  • ATR
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CH04SR_317 Wall dry stone wall between rooms 28 and 33
  • ATR
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CH04SR_339 Positive collapse in room 29
  • ATR
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CH04SR_352 Positive ashy charcoal-filled layer in room 28
  • SW
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CH04SR_356 Positive Tile/articulated vessels/bottom layer of collapse in southeast part of room 32
  • SW
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CH04SR_358 Positive Collapse in room 30
  • SW
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CH04SR_367 Positive Compacted earth surface in room 31
  • SW
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CH04SR_377 Positive Wall cavity fill in SW end of Room 28
  • SW
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CH04SR_378 Positive Layer of occupation under tile Room 30
  • SW
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CH04SR_381 Positive Fill of hole/Depression W corner Rm 30
  • SW
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CH04SR_383 Positive Fill of Circular hole/Depression W corner Rm 30
  • SW
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CH04SR_384 Negative Cut of Circular hole/Depression W corner Rm 30
  • SW
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CH04SR_385 Positive Context # assigned to lower layer of hearth in Rm 30
  • ATR
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CH04SR_386 Positive Bottom layer (Green Grey) of Collapse in Rm 31a (with charcoal inclusions)
  • SW
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CH04SR_387 Positive beaten-earth sections of the floor of room 28
  • SW
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CH04SR_388 Positive Fill of large hole/disturbance in the southeast end of room 30
  • SW
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CH04SR_389 Negative Cut of large hole/disturbance in the southeast end of room 30
  • SW
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CH04SR_390 Positive collapse in room 31
  • ATR
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CH04SR_411 Positive Layer of collapse in courtyard 1
  • SM
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CH04SR_413 Surface Paved stone flooring in room 28
  • ATR
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CH04SR_428 Negative Soak-away (?) pit in room 34/yard 2
  • ATR
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CH04SR_441 Positive Compact fill in west part of pit (SR431)
  • SM
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CH04SR_446 Negative Two cuts/pits in NE part of room 35
  • DVD
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CH04SR_448 Positive Very dark grayish brown "packing"
  • CS
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CH04SR_449 Positive Thin layer of black under 448 in room 36
  • CS
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CH04SR_450 Positive Thin layer of black under 435 in room 36
  • CS
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CH04SR_458 Positive Layer of brown gray soil, compact under context 448 in room 36
  • CS
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CH04SR_461 Positive Brown earth/packing NW end room 32
  • SW
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CH04SR_468 Positive Grayish clayey soil under SR 458 in room 36
  • CS
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CH04SR_469 Positive Fill of pit in room 36
  • CS
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CH04SR_471 Negative Cut of pit SR 469 in room 36
  • CS
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CH04SR_477 Positive Fill of disturbance in room 32
  • SM
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CH05SR_367 Surface Compacted earth surface in room 31
  • ATR
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CH05SR_418 Wall Construction of metal working hearth with stones/clay in room 28
  • GK
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CH05SR_434 Positive Tile collapse in street NE of buildings
  • ATR
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CH05SR_460 Positive Gray/black ashy layer in NE and SW end of room 32
  • NK
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CH05SR_505 Positive Hearth feature in room 28
  • NK
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CH05SR_508 Positive Ash scatter in E corner of room 33 connected with hearth bottom
  • NK
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CH05SR_509 Positive Latest surface of courtyard
  • SM
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CH05SR_510 Positive Modern trench in east stenopos
  • IG
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CH05SR_516 Positive Wall collapse on Main street
  • AS
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CH05SR_518 Positive Hearth feature in S corner of room 33
  • NK
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CH05SR_519 Positive Lower/earlier floor level below 451 in room 33
  • NK
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CH05SR_531 Positive Dark ashy iron rich patch in SW part of unexcavated area of room 32
  • NK
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CH05SR_542 Wall Wall / construction of Tomb 4
  • GK
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CH05SR_548 Negative Cut of context 527 in east section of courtyard
  • SM
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CH05SR_549 Negative Cut filled by context 530 in NE section of courtyard
  • SM
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CH05SR_550 Positive Loose brown soil in courtyard
  • SM
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CH05SR_553 Negative Cut for fill of context 541 in western courtyard
  • SM
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CH05SR_554 Positive Pit in 519 (W. Wall), fill of cut 556, room 33
  • NK
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CH05SR_555 Positive Pit in 519 (E. Corner of Room 33), fill of pit 557, room 33
  • NK
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CH05SR_556 Negative Cut of 554 in floor 519, room 33
  • NK
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CH05SR_557 Negative Cut of 555 in E. Corner of room 33, in floor of 519
  • NK
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CH05SR_558 Wall Construction of Tomb 5
  • GK
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CH05SR_561 Positive Semicircular ashy patch in room 33, fill of cut 568
  • NK
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CH05SR_562 Positive Orangish compact fill N courtyard
  • SM
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CH05SR_563 Positive Dark brown fill North of context 525 in courtyard
  • SM
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CH05SR_567 Positive Rough stone construction in SE section of room 33 parallel to wall 298
  • GK
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CH05SR_574 Negative Cut for fill of 570 along North wall in courtyard
  • SM
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CH05SR_577 Positive Loose brown soil with medium size stones in W courtyard
  • SM
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CH05SR_578 Positive Compact grayish brown clayey soil in W courtyard
  • SM
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CH05SR_579 Positive Layer of tile collapse in Main street
  • AS
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CH05SR_580 Positive Layer of tiles and articulated vessels in room 38
  • IG
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CH05SR_581 Negative Cut of modern trench going in NE-SW direction in Stenopos
  • AS
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CH05SR_582 Wall Collapse of wall 298 by east outer corner of room 33
  • GK
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CH05SR_590 Negative Cut for fill of context 564 in S courtyard
  • SM
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CH05SR_593 Positive Tile fill in bottom layer of pit in N courtyard
  • SM
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CH05SR_594 Positive Greyish brown soil with green inclusions in S courtyard + extension
  • SM
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CH05SR_602 Positive Bottom surface/ beaten earth in the pit 601 in room 38
  • IG
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CH05SR_603 Positive Floor surface in Room 30
  • AS
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CH05SR_610 Positive Compact soil surface in SE part of room 38
  • IG
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CH05SR_611 Positive Compact lime bedding surface in room 30
  • AS
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CH05SR_612 Positive Fill of soil with inclusions under stone fill in center of room 30
  • AS
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CH05SR_614 Wall Remains of wall which is almost in line with 398 in room 31
  • IG
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CH05SR_615 Positive Soil with stones and ceramics inclusions in W wing of room 31
  • IG
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CH05SR_618 Positive Compact light brown soil in S corner of W wing in room 31
  • IG
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CH05SR_623 Positive Fill of pit in NW courtyard
  • SM
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CH05SR_630 Positive Ash in N corner in room 33 Room 33 - ash in N corner
  • NK
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CH05SR_641 Positive Stone bedding/paving for bedrock depression under final floor of room 30
  • AS
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CH05SR_643 Positive Layer of soil fill in Room 30 in cut in W corner under final floor
  • AS
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CH05SR_647 Positive Brown soil mottled with ash in N corner of room 33 filling cut 653
  • NK
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CH05SR_649 Positive Compact light brown layer mixed with stones in SE part of room 38
  • IG
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CH05SR_650 Negative Cut along bedrock in the middle of room 38
  • IG
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CH05SR_651 Positive Fill of loose brown soil (in cut 650), room 38
  • IG
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CH05SR_653 Negative Cut of 647 in N corner of room 33
  • NK
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CH05SR_663 Negative Cut for the fill 662, at the bottom of larger bedrock depression
  • AS
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CH05SR_668 Positive Compact grayish brown layer of pit 601
  • IG
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CH05SR_671 Wall Amorphous structure of medium sized stones near tomb 4, courtyard extension
  • SM
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CH05SR_678 Positive Beaten-earth surface in NE part of room 30, under 603 in large bedrock cut
  • AS
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CH05SR_680 Negative Oval cut in the W corner of surface 678 in room 30
  • AS
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CH05SR_681 Positive Compact yellowish brown soil with inclusions in room 31
  • IG
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CH05SR_698 Negative Cut in bedrock in N corner of room 30, filled by 697
  • AS
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CH05SR_699 Negative Cut in fill 697 in N corner of room 30
  • AS
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CH05SR_700 Positive Fill of cut 699 in center of larger cut in N corner of room 30
  • AS
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CH05SR_706 Negative Cut in 713 in East wing of room 31
  • IG
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CH05SR_707 Positive Very loose dark brown soil with inclusions in East part of East wing of room 31 (fill of 708)
  • IG
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CH05SR_709 Positive Loose brown fill with loose bits of eroded bedrock inclusions in East part of East wing of room 31
  • IG
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CH05SR_711 Positive Pile of stones in N corner of SE part of room 38
  • IG
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CH05SR_712 Positive Layer of loose brown soil with stones in SE part of room 38
  • IG
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CH05SR_714 Negative Circular cut in bedrock in W corner of room 33
  • NK
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CH05SR_716 Positive Bedding layer below context 666
  • DVD
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CH05SR_718 Negative Cut in bedrock under NW wall of room 30
  • AS
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CH05SR_723 Negative Cut for fill of context 563 in central courtyard
  • SM
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CH05SR_737 Negative Cut for construction of Tomb 5
  • GK
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CH05SR_740 Wall Threshold of door between room 33 and room 28
  • ATR
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CH06SR_509 Positive Latest surface of courtyard
  • SM
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CH06SR_601 Negative Cut of pit in western side of room 38
  • LKC
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CH06SR_703 Negative Soft fill at bottom of modern trench in N end of courtyard
  • ATR
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CH06SR_712 Positive Layer of loose brown soil with stones in SE part of room 38
  • LKC
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CH06SR_754 Positive Light gray ashy soil with stones in SE part of room 38
  • LKC
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CH06SR_766 Positive Stenopos, fill of the trench for wall 292
  • AS
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CH06SR_774 Positive Grayish brown soil in NW courtyard
  • SM
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CH06SR_778 Positive Stenopos - fill of 779
  • AS
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CH06SR_780 Positive Fill of semicircular cut in bedrock in S corner of room 38
  • LKC
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CH06SR_785 Positive Brown compact soil in center of SE part of room 38
  • LKC
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CH06SR_786 Positive Fill with brown soil around drain box in Stenopos
  • AS
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CH06SR_795 Positive Construction of clay and tiles in S corner of E wing of room 31
  • DVD
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CH06SR_796 Positive Collapse of ceramic vessel(s) (pithos) in NE Stenopos
  • AS
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CH06SR_798 Positive Gray brown soil in center of a church
  • AS
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CH06SR_802 Positive Stenopos, brown compact soil with inclusions of ceramic, shells, and bone fragments (4th surface)
  • AS
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CH06SR_803 Positive Stenopos, light yellow compact mix of clay and lime
  • AS
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CH06SR_808 Positive Ashy layer in west corner of SE part of room 38
  • LKC
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CH06SR_810 Positive Brown loose soil with high concentration of metallurgical byproduct in NW part of room 38
  • LKC
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CH06SR_815 Negative Cut for the fill of context 0804, courtyard
  • SM
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CH06SR_816 Positive Fill of pit in S courtyard corner of wall 296 and section 2
  • SM
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CH06SR_817 Negative Cut for context 0816 in S courtyard
  • SM
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CH06SR_818 Positive Brown layer of compact burnt clay in SE section of Stenopos
  • AS
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CH06SR_819 Positive Thin brown layer above bedrock, SE part of 38
  • LKC
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CH06SR_821 Positive Muddy layer between and under stone slabs in room 38
  • LKC
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CH06SR_823 Positive Fill of pit 0822, courtyard
  • SM
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CH06SR_826 Positive Layer of yellow clay in SE part of room 38
  • LKC
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CH06SR_827 Positive Compact brown soil with charcoal and lime inclusions in NE part of room 38
  • LKC
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CH06SR_839 Positive Gray ashy soil between bedrock and cut 0601 in NW part of room 38
  • LKC
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CH06SR_840 Positive Compact brown soil with charcoal and lime inclusions NE part of room 38
  • LKC
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CH06SR_845 Positive Brown soil-fill of cut 0846, Courtyard near section 2
  • SM
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CH06SR_850 Positive Compact brown fill with rubble above eroded bedrock in Section 2 of Courtyard
  • SM
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CH06SR_855 Positive Compact grayish brown soil fill of 0856, courtyard near section 2
  • SM
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CH06SR_860 Negative Cut for fill of 0859, courtyard
  • SM
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CH06SR_862 Negative Cut for the fill 0861 in area 2 of courtyard
  • SM
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CH06SR_865 Positive Fill of square pit south of 0860 in area 2, courtyard
  • SM
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CH06SR_866 Negative Cut for the fill of 0865 in area 2, courtyard
  • SM
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CH06SR_868 Positive Compact brown fill layer of pit 0601 in NW part of room 38
  • LKC
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CH06SR_869 Positive Fill of Pit in corner of walls 265 and 692, in north courtyard Area 1
  • SM
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CH06SR_879 Positive Compact brown fill layer in NW part of room 38
  • LKC
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CH06SR_881 Positive Hearth feature in central part of church
  • AS
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CH06SR_885 Positive Grayish brown gravely layer in SE area 3, courtyard
  • SM
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CH06SR_886 Positive Dark brown soil parallel and adjacent to wall 296 area 3, courtyard
  • SM
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CH06SR_890 Positive Compact brown soil in cut 0901, room 38
  • LKC
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CH06SR_893 Negative Cut in light brown soil in NE corner of central part of the church
  • AS
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CH06SR_894 Positive Layer of crumbled lime with pieces of charcoal in central part of church
  • AS
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CH06SR_896 Positive Loose dark brown ashy fill in SE area 3, courtyard
  • SM
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CH06SR_899 Positive Brown soil with rubble and many artifacts on E edge of area 3, courtyard
  • SM
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CH06SR_902 Negative Cut in bedrock in central area of church
  • AS
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CH06SR_904 Negative Cut for the fill 0899, West edge of Area 3 Courtyard
  • SM
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CH06SR_905 Negative Cut for the fill 0896, SE area 3 Courtyard
  • SM
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CH06SR_906 Positive Compact clay fill in Western part of the cut 0900, Room 38
  • LKC
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CH06SR_907 Positive Western part of central area, church, light brown compact surface
  • AS
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CH06SR_908 Positive Compact clay fill in extreme west area in cut 0900
  • LKC
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CH06SR_910 Positive Compact brown surface with lime and charcoal inclusions, NW part of room 38
  • LKC
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CH06SR_913 Negative Cut for a large pit in west part of area 3, courtyard
  • SM
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CH06SR_914 Positive Yellowish brown layer in SE area 3, courtyard
  • SM
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CH06SR_916 Wall Wall in north part of Area 3, courtyard
  • SM
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CH06SR_920 Negative Cut in north corner of the church
  • AS
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CH06SR_921 Positive Compact brown surface above bedrock and vertical layer in center of cut 0900, room 38
  • LKC
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CH06SR_924 Negative Semicircular conical cut in bedrock in area between tombs 1 and 2
  • AS
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CH06SR_934 Wall Construction of stone and mortar in cut 0913, Central Area 3, Courtyard
  • SM
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CH06SR_937 Positive Layer of white mortar at the top of cut 0936
  • AS
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CH06SR_942 Negative Possible foundation trench for early wall near cistern in courtyard
  • ATR
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CH06SR_944 Wall Early wall under N section of wall 296
  • ATR
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CH06SR_945 Negative Posthole (?) cut in bedrock of courtyard next to NE section wall
  • ATR
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Total Results:  170
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